Recent content by Justin Jake Ashton

  • [2018/06/22]
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  1. Justin Jake Ashton

    Collection We could use a non-hearted filter.

    I could swear that the Favorites Filter wasn't there at the time of posting. I guess it was part of the recent update? Cool feature. Though you can't filter both unequipped and unfavorited at the same time unless you favorite every single move you use.
  2. Justin Jake Ashton

    Collection We could use a non-hearted filter.

    The recent addition of the favorites filter makes it easy to browse through specific fighters and moves you've tagged and to not accidentally lose them. An issue arises though when you have some favorite fighters or moves that are lower-leveled. They take up space when you have to look for...
  3. Justin Jake Ashton

    Other Beating Sparring Partners

    A better solution would be making them unkillable or making them revive once the next person tags in. Training combos with bleeders or Bio is annoying when the dummy dies mid-combo.
  4. Justin Jake Ashton

    Alive and Well.

    Alive and Well.