Odd Variant Pool for Cinco de Mayo?

  • [2018/06/22]
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Oct 25, 2022
I was really excited for this year's "Viva la Fiesta" PF, but I was looking at the Bandera Relic variant pools and left very confused. Yes, Grin Reaper is awesome, I loved El Chavo when I was younger. But Grim Fan isn't present? For one, I was waiting for her, but her palette & signature ability reference Dia de los Muertos (another Mexican holiday)! It seemed like a no-brainer that she'd be included... It continued, and it displayed Freedom Fighter. Yes, Freedom Fighter. The Captain America Beowulf. Dressed in the colors of the flag of the United States of America. I almost **** myself laughing. Weekend Warrior from 2023's Viva la Fiesta was dressed in pinata colors, at least. Anyway, I made this image to express my discontent with the available variants. Anyone else notice/feel the same way?