• [2018/06/22]
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Search results

  1. C

    5 Moveslot Combo

    I found a combo for Big Band that utilizes all move slots I know it works against Peacock but I'm not sure against other characters, I think it depends on fall speed. It also requires to be up against a wall. In total it can get to 73 hits, without the use of a BB3. The combo goes Ground combo...
  2. C

    Painwheel Character specific combos

    So Painwheel's main Combo is: Ground Combo > Air combo > Cruel Lily And can be finished off with either another ground combo, Death Crawl, Anger Install, Fracture Reaper, or Buer Thresher. However, I found whether or not this combo works or not depends on the Opponent. Big Band, Filia, or...