• [2018/06/22]
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    How does piercing works on armor and defense

    Thank you for your answer. Can Piercing works on MA? Such as Annie's Blueshifit and BigBand's MA.
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    How does piercing works on armor and defense

    If my oppenent have five stacks of armor and 50 percent of defense. How much piercing i need to make damage to him instead of 0 ?
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    Why i feel the random buffs are not random ?

    In double's PF, my tres chic always get a throns at begining of every fights. And opponents' jawbreakers always get unflinching when them enter stage, if them unlock volatility. Every fights happened the same situation. The buffs gain is not real random?
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    Bug - Normal Cant refresh store

    I cant refresh my store after 4.9. It is normal before today.
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    OFFICIAL: An Update on Cheaters/ Hackers

    I have see a account open about seven or eight diamond relics at a same time and get different diamond fighters, this account looks like a botted account with a low level. Could this be a hacker or a bug ?