• [2018/06/22]
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  1. D

    Banned from global chat

    So my self got banned probably i swore or did something stupid, is there a way to get unbanned or something? I think i swore and said the f word and thats why i got banned or some other offensive word. And i typed it in a way so i can bypass the computer auto censor. If anyone can talk to me...
  2. D

    The new big band

    So on twitter they released the new footage of that cool looking bigband and it looks like whenever blocking it gains a chance to gain stacks of attack With this it will probably be the best big band to use for offence which is pretty cool because blocking is used a lot against the bots
  3. D

    Master difficulty story mode

    So since we have the accursed expierments at master difficulty are we ever going to get this master difficulty this master difficulty would really help late game players and add even more motivation for players to play longer
  4. D

    High combos withot resets

    So I've been interested in the combo contests and since the new release of squigly I'd like people to show their own high combos