• [2018/06/22]
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Search results

  1. M

    Infinite Double Heavy Regeneration In 'Hot Off The Presses' Prize Fight?

    i was just in a fight against someone in one of the new prize fights when I learned that I couldn't really deal any damage. it was against a Hellsing based Peacock who, not only wont be damaged at certain times (which is tough enough alone) but also all the damage I dealt was undone in a mere...
  2. M

    Characters Peacock's unblockable moves

    I know that most characters have 2 unblockable moves, however I don't think I have once gotten Peacock's second move. I have Goodfellows, but not the one where she sends in a ton of Georges on airplanes. has anyone else gotten that move, and if so how can I get it?
  3. M

    should purchasing keys be a thing?

    (i searched this before posting, forgive me if it was already talked about, i simply didnt use the right words if so) ive noticed that it normally takes prize fights or completing certain portions of the story mode to get keys for the skill tree unlocking. i dont think this is a bad system...