• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Darcon

    Did anyone get their prize gold from Medici Shakedown after update?

    Thanks for the replies everyone. I don't think my score was high enough then this time around. Just wanted to make sure the update didn't mess it up. Guess I'll have to do better this weekend. :)
  2. Darcon

    Did anyone get their prize gold from Medici Shakedown after update?

    Had to do the 1.2.3 update this morning and after the update, when I checked my mail, I did not get any mail identifying my extra gold from ranking in the Medici Shakedown from this weekend. Did anyone else get theirs?
  3. Darcon

    Cleared all of Eliza's & Medici's PFs. Feels good!

    Well, this is the first Prize Fight that I cleared all 10 Tiers of Bronze, Silver, and Gold as well as already clearing all 10 tiers of the weekend Medici challenge. Hoping my scores will get me some Eliza's out of it.
  4. Darcon

    Fights Increase end game sources of exp

    Q1: Yes, I want to see another method of gaining XP, preferably using yellow energy. Q2: I agree, since the thrill of getting new characters is starting to wear off since I have most of them and I am now struggling to earn XP for them all. Q3: Not in the slightest. Endgame is rewarding as...
  5. Darcon

    Bronze & Silver moves after acquiring Gold

    Maybe a dev can chime in, but it looks like they do at least when powered up since Bronze moves have 4 Pluses, Silvers have 5 Pluses, and Golds have 6 Pluses.
  6. Darcon

    Bronze & Silver moves after acquiring Gold

    Hmm, well I have about 3-4 Silver/Golds of each move. I do save a Bronze if I don't have the move in Silver/Gold yet. I haven't started looking at stats yet as I'm looking to have a decent collection of Golds of the same move to figure out which ones to level up.
  7. Darcon

    Bronze & Silver moves after acquiring Gold

    When it comes to moves for characters, is there any benefit to keeping Bronze & Silver moves after you have the Gold ones or are they simply coin fodder?
  8. Darcon

    Is Event or Prize Fight Modes a good way to gain exp?

    Prize Fights will scale with your FS and number of wins as where the Daily Events don't and Story awards very little XP once you've completed it, so Prize Fights are your best bet for gaining XP for your fighters.
  9. Darcon

    SSL for forum logins?

    Yep, I know all of that stuff. I actually deal with the upper end of IT security IRL, so this was the reason for this post. In this case, the security recommendations don't matter if the password is sent in clear text across the wire. No amount of password requirements/length is going to...
  10. Darcon

    SSL for forum logins?

    Any chance the login for these forums could be setup for secure (SSL)? I'm kinda paranoid about my password not being encrypted when logging in. Thanks!
  11. Darcon

    Is there any way to transfer save file?

    Is there a way to move from a Guest account to a regular account (say using the LINE login)??