• [2018/06/22]
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  1. C

    [OFF TOPIC] How to start a Fight 101

    in that case i like to start with lock n load because its a joke and doesnt have invincibility frames
  2. C

    [OFF TOPIC] How to start a Fight 101

    i havent read the rest of the thread because its seems a waste of time but i like to start the fight with mgr so the opponent doesnt
  3. C

    Eliza Relics are out! Share what you got on them!

    Got 5 Decrypted, 3 In Denile, 2 Bloody Valentine, and 1 Scarlet Viper. Really wanted Bloody Valentine so I'm good \^o^/
  4. C

    Did anyone get their prize gold from Medici Shakedown after update?

    I heard 4mil should be safe so I got 4.7mil and got it.
  5. C

    What type of characters have you gotten from relics?

    I've never gotten a gold from relics purchased with theonite, but story mode relics gave me two Primed Parasoul and one Raw Nerv Painwheel...
  6. C

    Eliza Blood Sport Event (Bronze/Silver/Gold)

    Likewise, my friend got 1600000 and didn't make the cutoff. I expect it was at least 2000000.
  7. C

    Eliza Blood Sport Event (Bronze/Silver/Gold)

    1115000 wasn't enough for top 10% in gold, as I expected. That's what I get for waiting until this morning to start grinding.