• [2018/06/22]
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  1. MXDEX

    Update 1.6.0 HYPE

    With update 1.6.0 here i hope everyone enjoys the the update including double because i know I have^^. Just wanna say have fun^^♡♡ including my pulls on the update.
  2. MXDEX

    1.6.0 Overview

    Juat like my last 1.5.0 overlay. I made another video about the 1.6.0 update. Since there wasn't alot to talk about like the new skins in 1.5.0 i kept this one to the point but talked over the Double Skins a bit.
  3. MXDEX

    Art in the making

    So far based on the previous love shown in the 1.5.0 update I'm currently putting the finishing touches on the newest vid based off painwheels origin story that was currently released. I hope you guys enjoy like you did the last^^
  4. MXDEX

    Thank you.

    Based off the general discussion that took 5 days to make the video discussing the new skins and threads i just wanted to say thanks really because it was alot of love in that video touching on a based discussion over the update. Really took alot of time pinpointing facts^^
  5. MXDEX

    Other Discussion for skin threads

    Based off all the skins being added from the console version plus these abilities. Will it be ok to make a discussion video on it to go over the perks and etc with commentary *^*?