• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Mr.Recursion

    Other Found a grammatical error

    Thank you! I understand that many people can be hurtful without giving it a second thought, so I want to try my best to be the silver lining this world needs
  2. Mr.Recursion

    Other Found a grammatical error

    you misunderstand I am not saying 'unspeakable' is not a word, I am saying that in this context they should use the word 'an' instead of 'a'. when a word begins with a vowel or a vowel sounding syllable (hour, honorable etc) the word that should be used before it is 'an' (unless the word is...
  3. Mr.Recursion

    Other Found a grammatical error

    “a unspeakable relic”
  4. Mr.Recursion

    Bug - Normal Auditory Bug

    whenever I open the game a sound effect begins to play over and over again. this doesn't affect the game play, but it is EXTREMELY annoying.