• [2018/06/22]
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character glitches


    Bug - Normal Efeito de glitch quando usso certos ataques

    Quando uso golpes com alguns personagens, eles ficam dessa maneira como esta na foto, tanto aqui quando em combate
  2. X

    Bug - Normal Space case bug

    I recently discovered that since the big black dahlia update my fully maxed space case umbrella only recieves 1 debuff of the opponent's element but the special skill description says that I should get 3 stacks. I posted in one of the channels in-game and someone replied that he/she tried it and...
  3. M

    Resolved Trouble in combat

    In battle, the enemy freezes after attacks and then the character for which the player plays also freezes.
  4. D

    Bug - Normal Annie Bug

    here's how the bug looks like
  5. S

    Bug - Normal Unresponsive Character

    After playing several rounds, I will run into an issue with my characters not responding to input. I cant use special moves or tag out. The unput is normally responsive on the left side of the screen so I can still fight but not responsiveness on right side of screen. This is very frustrating...
  6. AnonJustAnon

    Other Some bugs

    Today, when Rift has ended, in the mail were lots of stuff as always and Diamond relic popped up as "+1", and progress bar got reset to the 0%. But when I tried to open it, I noticed that it's just "96%", before this it was "92%". Like, I didn't get any relic, nothing changed. It's just a visual...
  7. moomouse

    Bug - Normal Characters falling through bottom of screen

    This happened about a week ago, but I was unable to post it until now. Putting it into words is a bit difficult, so I'll just post this video instead. Hopefully there will be enough information to nip this problem in the bud. (I apologize for the link; I was unable to upload the video directly):
  8. Kiibo

    Bug - Normal Game Flashing and Unplayable

    Apologies on any errors in this, it’s my first time posting here so I’m not sure how it works. I’m trying to play Prize Fight in the Halloween event and I came across some bugs that make it unplayable. There’s this constant white flashing when I try to play a match, characters aren’t showing on...
  9. G

    My highest powered characters are gone!

    My gold valentine, bronze double and silver squigly just vanished... kind of want to start a new account but i’m just beyond confused right now
  10. Dennis Aguilar

    Resolved I could not get out of the fight

    Hello Team Skullgirls. This day I was making a fight where my Golden Filia lost the fight which also caused the death of the opponent and in a victory for my team because I still had other fighters alive; but I could not get out of the fight until the game closed. As I read in the last...
  11. Wulfden

    Bug - Normal No Egrets abilities reverted to level 1 upgrades

    Hi all, so, I've been playing the prize fights and noticed another glitch, this time affecting my No Egrets Parasoul, in which her Martial Law ability, despite buying nearly all her nodes to upgrade it, only allows her to deal the status for 4 and 3 seconds respectively shown here: Despite...