• [2018/06/22]
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  1. AwsomeTheMyth

    Recommended Marquee for Variants list (Part 2)

    Double: Marquee Ability: ENTROPY Speak of the devil, Double is all about randomness and sheer luck, ranging from patiently waiting to recieve buffs on her own to inflict crazy debuffs on her adversaries as long as she's at Elemental Advantage, talk about a secret servant of RNG. CHAOS: When at...
  2. AwsomeTheMyth

    Recommended Marquee for Variants list (Part 1)

    Beowulf: Marquee Ability: TITLE FIGHT Focuses on how well you play with beowulf, either by hittting hard against tagged in enemies after you took some damage to keep up the pace or to quickly finish off your current enemy while your health is higher than the enemy so they don't get any chance to...