
  • [2018/06/22]
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  1. Thesmellofman

    Collection Buffing Daily Chests and Making the game less of a Grind fest

    Heya! I wrote up a document to possibly help improve SkullGirls Mobile. Ive been playing the game for about over a year and I do enjoy it but I needs a lot of tweaking to improve it. Every other month the devs send out a free gift package saying "The game isn't preforming up to our Standards"...
  2. R

    Small suggestion

    To start off, i don't know how to use forums or if i'm posting this on the right section, as this is my first time using it, my deepest apologies for any incovenience. This is something i'm wishing for the game a lot, and for quite some time too, and i do believe other people would enjoy this. I...
  3. B

    Characters Suggestion: trading fighters

    Because it requires 3 of the same type of bronze fighters to evolve, maybe you could set up a trading option with other players? Trade a fighter that you have for one that you need to evolve your current bronze fighter. Like a trading bazaar or something. Thanks
  4. You cant beat D

    Other Friend and guild concepts

    i was curious as to what friend and guild systems would work like in this game, so i made a few concepts, with Some Conceptual photos to boot. Starting with guilds, i'd personally go the route of the guild skill tree, guilds have levels and the leader and sub leaders/second in commands can...