• [2018/06/22]
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Other Can We Pls have an Auto Tap In Gift Hearts Give and Take In Option?


Active Member
Jun 26, 2023
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It messes up my time a bit on taking when it comes with both Exchanging Gold Gift Hearts with 10 x Pink Heart Gifts or Sending One by One to 50 player friends everyday....
it's rather annoying if it takes 5 minutes everyday on doing this...😅😌🤦🏻
(especially making me sleepy too) 😴😪😵😌

You know just like in Idle Heroes friendship giving for example ...

Could we please have an update up on that matter of Gift Giving & Taking In and Out 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻IMG_20231027_193053.jpg


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no sería mejor si mandáramos lo que quisiéramos a nuestros amigos? Ejemplo: cuando voy a enviar un regalo elegir si quiero enviar dinero, teonita, una reliquia, etc..
no sería mejor si mandáramos lo que quisiéramos a nuestros amigos? Ejemplo: cuando voy a enviar un regalo elegir si quiero enviar dinero, teonita, una reliquia, etc..
well actually it would be a good idea for some SGM addicted players in this game to do that way, but for those who are very busy in real life time activities and business they need some consideration of an option in doing so.

for example If I am an addicted SGM player then I would be playing over 10 hrs this game collecting Gift Hearts all day which I cannot accommodate😅😌

Again another example was If am a SGM player or Veteran that would have at least 50 mins to an hour or 3 Hrs of gameplay in SGM and so taken into consideration of both time and money, I can do my fights nonstop without any interuptions or being bothered to deal with Hearts/ Gifts giving for 5 mins wasted time out of my fights.

I really hope that I made my point clear enough here.
Please don't take this in a wrong way my friend (s)
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A bit off the topic, but how about letting users exchange Pink Hearts to Gold Hearts on the Friends list page? By clicking on Gift icons or whatever. It would definitely improve convenience.
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No matter why other New Members who replied at my other forums here cause they had more much free time from "out of topic" fight out events for this Holiday 😅😂🤣
Pls Don't get me wrong here dears, I'm an everyday active On Line player and a Guild general of some of my guilds On Line so I really understand about how events go by around and make all the crazy funny stuff going in all times especially during Holidays seasons 😅☺️😉

this is just a very great awesome funny - fun fighting game aftrerall but of course we also sometimes need to put in some of our own suggestions in order to improve this lovely mobile app for the better and for the future ☺️😉
for another example to take in - the Daily 4 Pcs Ticket Event that we have in 😅😂🤣😌🤦🏻
No matter why other New Members who replied at my other forums here cause they had more much free time from "out of topic" fight out events for this Holiday 😅😂🤣

Sorry, just thought convenience in exchanging or buying gifts could be achieved by other methods than automizing the whole process.

Back on the topic, I think the "Claim All Gifts" button is a nice idea, many people would find it convenient.

For the "Send Gifts to All" button tho, I don't think that much people would make use of it, because they might want to limit the Gift recipents to one of the following;

1. Those who sent a gift already

2. Those who're more likely to send gifts back

3. Those who are still active

4. Newbies who are in more urgent need of Gifts

5. Closer friends, etc

To widen the use of the button, I think more needs to be discussed.
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Sorry, just thought convenience in exchanging or buying gifts could be achieved by other methods than automizing the whole process.

Back on the topic, I think the "Claim All Gifts" button is a nice idea, many people would find it convenient.

For the "Send Gifts to All" button tho, I don't think that much people would make use of it, because they might want to limit the Gift recipents to one of the following;

1. Those who sent a gift already

2. Those who're more likely to send gifts back

3. Those who are still active

4. Newbies who are in more urgent need of Gifts

5. Closer friends, etc

To widen the use of the button, I think more needs to be discussed.
Yes dear friend, Please allow me also to explain more.
I have each week to 3 weeks over 40 friends in my list but most at times they also remained Inactive over 3 - 30 days and even when I send them gifts then No Gift from those Inactive gave me back anything too. 😅🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻
this was how usually my friend list looks like after 2 to 3 weeks - but how can I have time to give all 40 hearts everyday one by one 😅🤣😂🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻


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Y porque no se reduce la cantidad de regalos rosados necesarios qué pide en la tienda para un regalo dorado, qué en vez de 10 sea 5, pero para hacerlo justo, solo sea funcional en un evento festivo, ya que como se acerca navidad debería aprovechar su uso en esa festividad con lo de los regalos, no?
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Sorry, just thought convenience in exchanging or buying gifts could be achieved by other methods than automizing the whole process.

Back on the topic, I think the "Claim All Gifts" button is a nice idea, many people would find it convenient.

For the "Send Gifts to All" button tho, I don't think that much people would make use of it, because they might want to limit the Gift recipents to one of the following;

1. Those who sent a gift already

2. Those who're more likely to send gifts back

3. Those who are still active

4. Newbies who are in more urgent need of Gifts

5. Closer friends, etc

To widen the use of the button, I think more needs to be discussed.
Yes I totally agree with you and I understand. thank you very much for all your explanation.
Apologies, so sorry for late reply here, was very busy with guild business On line and In Life work ❤️🙌👍🙏✊💯
I also didn't have time enough to claim All my gifts yet. Usually I hit 50 Gifts Max Unclaimed 😂😅🤣


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Sí, estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo y lo entiendo. muchas gracias por todas tus explicaciones.
Disculpas, lo siento mucho por responder tarde aquí, estaba muy ocupado con los asuntos del gremio en línea y en el trabajo en vivo.❤️🙌👍🙏✊💯
Descuide y gracias por responder mi pregunta 😅