• [2018/06/22]
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Bug - Normal Can't do strong attacks


New Member
This day was pretty weird...
I was playing and closed the game accidentally, when i came back i couldn't do normal attacks or use BBs/Specials (I could swipe and block, but that was all)
I reset the game and everything went back to normal except for one thing, i couldn't do heavy attacks (I don't use them that much except for Valentine), i tried resetting again and it fixed the issue, but i still thought i should talk about it.
This day was pretty weird...
I was playing and closed the game accidentally, when i came back
Did you completely close the app and shut it off, or did you just suspend it, and return to it after where you left off?
I meant charge attacks when writing it (i like to just call them heavy attacks), sorry for not clarifying it.
I just closed it, waited a few seconds and clicked the icon to open in again, i was thinking about shutting it completely if the issue was still there, but luckily it wasn't anything complicated.
I'll try to do it again to see how it happened.

Edit: Tried doing another thing, i entered Big Band's daily mission, paused the game mid fight for 10 minutes, when i came back i couldn't use any specials/BBs (I had a BB3 and he kept getting heavy regen, so there's no way i could've won -_-)
I closed the game and turned off the phone, then i looked for something else on another app, then came back, in that order.
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We've released a 2.7.2 hotfix this morning which should fix all of the new issues that popped up as of 2.7. However, if you suspend the app on Android, then return to it later, your inputs may not work correctly.

This is a known issue that we are working on resolving. In the meantime, you can prevent this issue by not suspending the app.

Sorry for the trouble!
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