• [2018/06/22]
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OFFICIAL: Chat Rules and Abuse Guidelines


Hidden Variable Dev
May 17, 2017
Reaction score
Hey everyone!

Chat is pretty basic at the moment, but we'll be adding tons of more features to it in future updates.

One of the things that we're missing at the moment is robust moderation and reporting features.
Does this mean you can get away with being terrible in community Chat rooms? Absolutely not, and the punishment will be severe.

If you see someone who is verbally abusing another player, or yourself, please tap on their Display Name, then tap the REPORT BUTTON.

All of the rules for this forum, which are found here, apply to the in-game Chat as well.
Here's the important section:
  • Defamation or personal attacks
  • Threats of bodily harm
  • Sexual harassment (of any gender)
  • Attacks on gender, race, religion, or any other self-identification
  • Badgering or trolling
While we have implemented our first pass at a profanity filter, it's not perfect.
Attempting to bypass the profanity filter, especially for the purposes of harassing another player, will almost certainly lead to your account being punished.

We are cultivating a friendly and helpful community, and so far you have all been extremely amazing in helping us achieve this goal. We don't expect to have too many bad apples that we'll need to respond to, but if you are caught breaking Chat rules, you can expect...

We will be taking these Chat rules extremely seriously, and we won't tolerate the harassment of other players. If you are caught breaking these rules...
  • You can have your Chat privileges revoked temporarily, or permanently.
  • You can be temporarily suspended from the game at the login screen.
  • You can have your account permanently banned.
If you feel that you were wrongfully punished, you can also reach out to us at skullgirls@hiddenvariable.com and we'll be happy to investigate further.

If you have any questions, I'll be more than happy to answer them here!
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Unaffected also considered a bad word
as in
"Other skills are unaffected"
What bad words came from unaffected
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Reactions: RizeSheela
Suck! but sort of understand as it could be a add on then again kids say that in pg movies back in the 90s so I don't know if its a swear word today's standards?

Massive list there Liam be on the safe :)

Honestly though I see a lot of random chats on it but its usually off the screen faster then anything .. They don't talk Skullgirls really so I've turned live chat off lol helps lag too... Sorry if I offend I dont mean it lol
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Disgusting Almost i almost want to Puke
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I thought I would share my experience with chat so far: I frequent channel 0 and channel 100 mostly since weird stuff seems to happen in those two the most.

there was some weird guy in both channels one day and I’m assuming he got banned cause I haven’t seen him since but he told us he wanted to lick painwheels feet.

I also thought I would mention the problem of people sexualizing the minor characters? Like the adult characters are fair game whatever they’re adults but the amount of sexualization that takes place in the community is just: unacceptable. especially with characters like Peacock and Marie who are very obviously children. I hope when these things happen it’s cracked down on more because it disgusts me personally.

most activity is just people goofing off or talking about teams and best characters but there’s a lot of just shitty people who come in and say shitty things to others. I’ll attach a screenshot of someone telling another person that they hope they’re kidnapped.65FA3BCE-1CF9-4B0A-A2F6-0EC3FB8D037F.jpeg
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Reactions: RizeSheela
Hey everyone!

Chat is pretty basic at the moment, but we'll be adding tons of more features to it in future updates.

One of the things that we're missing at the moment is robust moderation and reporting features.
Does this mean you can get away with being terrible in community Chat rooms? Absolutely not, and the punishment will be severe.

If you see someone who is verbally abusing another player, or yourself, please tap on their Display Name, then tap the REPORT BUTTON.

All of the rules for this forum, which are found here, apply to the in-game Chat as well.
Here's the important section:
  • Defamation or personal attacks
  • Threats of bodily harm
  • Sexual harassment (of any gender)
  • Attacks on gender, race, religion, or any other self-identification
  • Badgering or trolling
While we have implemented our first pass at a profanity filter, it's not perfect.
Attempting to bypass the profanity filter, especially for the purposes of harassing another player, will almost certainly lead to your account being punished.

We are cultivating a friendly and helpful community, and so far you have all been extremely amazing in helping us achieve this goal. We don't expect to have too many bad apples that we'll need to respond to, but if you are caught breaking Chat rules, you can expect...

We will be taking these Chat rules extremely seriously, and we won't tolerate the harassment of other players. If you are caught breaking these rules...
  • You can have your Chat privileges revoked temporarily, or permanently.
  • You can be temporarily suspended from the game at the login screen.
  • You can have your account permanently banned.
If you feel that you were wrongfully punished, you can also reach out to us at skullgirls@hiddenvariable.com and we'll be happy to investigate further.

If you have any questions, I'll be more than happy to answer them here!
So- how long does it take to get unbanned since its my 1st time?💀
Hey everyone!

Chat is pretty basic at the moment, but we'll be adding tons of more features to it in future updates.

One of the things that we're missing at the moment is robust moderation and reporting features.
Does this mean you can get away with being terrible in community Chat rooms? Absolutely not, and the punishment will be severe.

If you see someone who is verbally abusing another player, or yourself, please tap on their Display Name, then tap the REPORT BUTTON.

All of the rules for this forum, which are found here, apply to the in-game Chat as well.
Here's the important section:
  • Defamation or personal attacks
  • Threats of bodily harm
  • Sexual harassment (of any gender)
  • Attacks on gender, race, religion, or any other self-identification
  • Badgering or trolling
While we have implemented our first pass at a profanity filter, it's not perfect.
Attempting to bypass the profanity filter, especially for the purposes of harassing another player, will almost certainly lead to your account being punished.

We are cultivating a friendly and helpful community, and so far you have all been extremely amazing in helping us achieve this goal. We don't expect to have too many bad apples that we'll need to respond to, but if you are caught breaking Chat rules, you can expect...

We will be taking these Chat rules extremely seriously, and we won't tolerate the harassment of other players. If you are caught breaking these rules...
  • You can have your Chat privileges revoked temporarily, or permanently.
  • You can be temporarily suspended from the game at the login screen.
  • You can have your account permanently banned.
If you feel that you were wrongfully punished, you can also reach out to us at skullgirls@hiddenvariable.com and we'll be happy to investigate further.

If you have any questions, I'll be more than happy to answer them here!
I understand that many sg players swear alot especially on ch 0..... Still there are some words that I don't think should be filtered like why can't I use the word 'dominates' in a sentence and there are many others. Still gr8 job
Lol. USA people worrying about WOKE stuff...
I can not believe there is a discussion about "bad words", creating snowflakes safe space like if people needed protection of words...
I think you live in a bubble very isolated from the real world, probably the one from a rainbow group...
Well, i hope the game backslash that you censorship people about will teach you a lesson.
If you do not like something, do not enter in a team of that stuff.
We, consumers, will not accept you changing things to "educate us" into your world, understood, Small Charley?
Also we will not tolerate you to censor people that speak their opinions about your actions.
I lost my old steam account e-mail, for a long time, i was going to buy this game again and i saw the fascist censor you did in game reviews. Not buying anymore.
You can ban me for not being from your bubble, but congratulations, my money you will not get.
Next time, try to make success in business making a game for YOUR bubble... Not trying to convert people from the real world.
Maybe you are the ones needing to be reeducated, and money loss will teach a good lesson.
Happy destruction of your wallet...
I thought I would share my experience with chat so far: I frequent channel 0 and channel 100 mostly since weird stuff seems to happen in those two the most.

there was some weird guy in both channels one day and I’m assuming he got banned cause I haven’t seen him since but he told us he wanted to lick painwheels feet.

I also thought I would mention the problem of people sexualizing the minor characters? Like the adult characters are fair game whatever they’re adults but the amount of sexualization that takes place in the community is just: unacceptable. especially with characters like Peacock and Marie who are very obviously children. I hope when these things happen it’s cracked down on more because it disgusts me personally.

most activity is just people goofing off or talking about teams and best characters but there’s a lot of just shitty people who come in and say shitty things to others. I’ll attach a screenshot of someone telling another person that they hope they’re kidnapped.View attachment 13747
I agree fully with all of this, certain players on line just obviously get overwhelmed and over exaggerating about the game's characters and start talking perverted nonsense and thus in the open world chats. Such despicable disgusting behavior should be noted directly to the Devs and be immediately reported as soon as possible.

normally I don't really read that much the chats in the On line games but if there's always someone who is trying to abuse and spam the chat with perverted nonsense then it's the community service or the Devs of the game itself to take the 2st word of action to keep those creeps away off from chat
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Lol. USA people worrying about WOKE stuff...
I can not believe there is a discussion about "bad words", creating snowflakes safe space like if people needed protection of words...
I think you live in a bubble very isolated from the real world, probably the one from a rainbow group...
Well, i hope the game backslash that you censorship people about will teach you a lesson.
If you do not like something, do not enter in a team of that stuff.
We, consumers, will not accept you changing things to "educate us" into your world, understood, Small Charley?
Also we will not tolerate you to censor people that speak their opinions about your actions.
I lost my old steam account e-mail, for a long time, i was going to buy this game again and i saw the fascist censor you did in game reviews. Not buying anymore.
You can ban me for not being from your bubble, but congratulations, my money you will not get.
Next time, try to make success in business making a game for YOUR bubble... Not trying to convert people from the real world.
Maybe you are the ones needing to be reeducated, and money loss will teach a good lesson.
Happy destruction of your wallet...