• [2018/06/22]
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The +1 Bonus Rumor


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
Reaction score
People in the in-game chat are advising anyone who will listen to save their Jackpot relics and any relic they gather, claiming that any bulk collection of relics will trigger the +1 bonus boost benefit. They argue that somehow by collecting 10 and then opening 10, the last relic will have the odds of the +1 bonus.

For Jackpot relics:

Diamond 1.0%
Gold 9.0%
Silver 90.0%

Diamond 2.0%
Gold 98%
Silver 0.0%

I can't wait 10 months to prove them wrong, so if you've seen some evidence in support or against this rumor, share it here.

One example of "proof" these rumor-mongers are using is that "Why would Jackpot relics have a +1 Bonus if they are NEVER for sale in the store to buy in bulk? Therefore you have to save them!" Have Jackpot relics ever been sold in 10 packs?

The way I understand it, the store bonus packs are including a special 11th with increased odds. Without that added special 11th relic, it is just luck, but the superstitious won't listen to reason.
No proof other than my memory
Somewhere on this forum in the past I’ve read a comment on how the +1 bonus is added:

The +1 bonus and the 10 relics you BUY are added in your collection immediately. So the opening animation of the 10+1 is just for players benefit.

If the +1 is added like that AND nowhere does the relic odds describe a +1 bonus for “saving” and “bulk opening” im sure logic will solve the rest. If not then ...well, I frankly don’t care about those people’s feelings.
My experience says no. I had no chance-increase or additional Relics for collecting unopened ordinary. I think this info about bonus Jackpots is for "Jackpot-like" Relics of events.
lol, that settles it.

Now if I could only squash chat's relic rituals. Bogus techniques include:
  • Drag the relic around the circle and release where the hour hand of the clock should be currently
  • Draw a star with the relic and then center release!
  • Hold the relic in the upper right until a certain chunk of background debris crosses the screen...
I thought it was trolling, but the repetition and specificity makes me think they are like superstitious sports fans that have lucky socks or whatever.
Several of us at Hidden Variable draw a circle with the Relic before opening it too. :p

They probably mashed B and held down on the D-Pad in Pokémon to make sure they didn't shake out...