• [2018/06/22]
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Gamma Ray
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  • Remember! Some moves are worth getting to level 15 if they have perfect stats! Special abilities matter too!
    With the 4th of July Event coming soon, be sure to reserve a day to grind out potential milestones (If you are a working scrub like me).
    Very fun patch! AI changes were needed, but hopefully it won't make the game too difficult.
    Geeeeez, constantly beating my team into the ground out there ;c WP WP. I'm surprised you pick my team despite the DoW on there
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    Reactions: PHPP
    Gamma Ray
    Gamma Ray
    Keep in mind I usually play a full loadout for my teams so I have fallback options if I run into issues with your comp. This PF is also very friendly for most of my preferred cast because of the debuff stacking so characters like Squigly and Double suddenly can inflict hex without Bandwagon or other needed abilities.
    Finally going to look at making my tier list. Any character in particular you want me to start with?
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    Reactions: giuliopy and PHPP
    Squigly there is no Tier list for her
    Pick your favorites and start there! Also maybe work backwards with the newer characters since there's less discussion on them sometimes!
    Squigly would be nice, but any is good as well, please take in consideration marquee abilities while doing it :D
    Bella got a huge buff! Pummel Horse hits now add Blockbuster meter! Edit: For Marquee Ability "Center Stage"
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    definitely one of the best marquees. can fill a whole BB3 meter with one pummel horse
    She is already too unbalance, and this update makes that matter worse
    heyy b
    heyy b
    Cerebella is fine tbh
    Can someone verify if we can have someone else get the Combobreaker exclusive for us? (And if there is a cap on how many IDs per person)
    I reiterate that I hope certain players do not need a review to get banned. We have reported similar players multiple times as a community.
    I respect that banning takes time, but hopefully the more blatant abusers can be punished sooner rather than later.
    If anyone has any questions about the game, feel free to PM me! Not every question is "fun" to ask but I want everyone to enjoy this game.
    Would anyone be interested in two separate tier lists (One for offensive and one for defensive)?
    If you could do that it would be awesome!
    i'm totally up for that
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    Reactions: PHPP
    Gamma Ray
    Gamma Ray
    I will probably focus on the defensive tree first since I do not own all the characters yet but having faced off against them, I know which special abilities and base stats are better suited defensively.

    Offensively, I will need a bit of outside help.
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