• [2018/06/22]
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stale cheeto
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  • Is anyone going to watch the Frosty Faustings SG2E event today? maybe there's gonna be something important
    Make a thread, post the important stuffs there, please.
    I forget why I don't like playing PVP until I run into people who can easily do a ToD on my bum and I just can't fight back.
    stale cheeto
    stale cheeto
    also.... i keep seeing valentine with triple countervenom and it's just so tiresome
    am i crazy for using sketchy and icy hot as supports in prize fights when surgeon general can't be used?
    Depends on the opponent
    is it just me or are the skullheart forums kinda dead? i don't see anyone posting and no one's given me any privilege to post anything yet.
    Things always seem to get slow after a holiday pf, I think some folks take a break from the game after pushing for the top milestone.
    stale cheeto
    stale cheeto
    I'm not talking about THIS site, I mean the other site. The original Skullgirls Forums
    Ohhh, gotcha.
    I got a bunch of fodder and a duplicate Heavy Metal and all I got from it was one Solar Flair Annie... i think this game hates me lol
    stale cheeto
    stale cheeto
    idk if i worded this correctly, not gonna lie, i'm just a little tired
    first time?
    I also had really bad luck from my saved relics. Didn't get a single new fighter, Annie or otherwise.
    Can we get more characters to use their blockbusters midair too? I'd like to use Tympani Drive during an air combo so it won't be so useless
    Yeah, I'd love to see some of the older fighters get some tweaks to give them some of the improved functionalities the newer fighters have. For example, I'd also like to see Peacock and Painwheel have their character abilities moved to an on-screen button, since the double swipe to activate them is a little funky sometimes.
    @Lililira yes. Those mentioned character abilities are the least used by me. Double swipe is a pain. If a button will be given then I'll either be flying or being underground all the time. Will be fun for sure.
    When I was playing Beowulf, I somehow managed to do Da Grendel Killa when I was grabbing... That's weird because I don't see it in SGM
    stale cheeto
    stale cheeto
    I mean, not outside of the Wulfamania BB3 anyways
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