• [2018/06/22]
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Recent content by Allen Diaz

  1. Allen Diaz


    Hello hehehehe. When I saw this I was amazed and kinda excited because Annie is coming in the game really soon-! Also, I wanna share my custom variants of Annie as well UwU)/ Most of them is what I think suits for her over-all persona and dressing code hihihi First one is obviously Peacock...
  2. Allen Diaz

    OFFICIAL: Brand New Skullgirls Mobile Character FAQ

    Hmm... It's really hard to pin point on who's actually the "new fighter/character" and to think of it, anyone who's in the game could be the new fighter/character. Or They really don't know who's going to be the new one in the game and they're trying to (let's say) argue which is which or...