• [2018/06/22]
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Recent content by evilgordo

  1. evilgordo

    Fights Rift Battles are impossible for Returning Players

    Welcome Back! ...as you've noticed, a lot has changed... So, that would mean you left between June - Nov 2018, since that was when there was only Evolved Diamonds and no Rift. Natural Diamonds and Rift Battles were both added in Dec 2018. Oof...yeah, I get it, you're basically 6 years...
  2. evilgordo

    Bug - Normal Possibilities of relics not updated

    My guess is that's because some players (might) have unopened Take a Break relics...eventually, like after a year, the devs could remove those odds from the odds table...
  3. evilgordo

    OFFICIAL: 7.0 Update Notes - Guest Stars Debut!

    Yeah, this was kinda a big QoL addition and should have been explicitly mentioned in the updates notes, instead we get a 30 year old Simpsons reference (that's not to say I didn't appreciate the deep cut reference, but given the choice, I'd rather of had the QoL announcement)...
  4. evilgordo

    OFFICIAL: 7.0 Update Notes - Guest Stars Debut!

    Yeah, can't believe they doubled down with this pop-up...even it's OG implementation was very limited cuz the vast majority of players do not use move loadouts, so going into a fight with no moves was already kinda rare (and TBH, it doesn't do anything for your defensive teams). After 7 years...
  5. evilgordo


    Until last month I'd been playing sgm on a Galaxy S5 with no issues (ok maybe a little slowdown during matches, but playable), I get an S24 and lots of freezing. First thing I did when reinstalled SMG was to switch to 30fps, no flashing, resolution is 50%, no super shadows. It's completely...
  6. evilgordo

    Bug - Normal My exp level is stuck

    You are not alone... Level 70 is the Max...sorry.
  7. evilgordo


    Time: 7/27 @ 10:50pmPST Device: Galaxy s24 Match: Stormy PF Current Streak: 13 Teams: Vintage Virtuoso/Armed Forces/Meow&Forever vs. Gust Buster/NinjaStar/Wild Child Crash: Post match BigBand victory animation Loading before match results screen (streak lost, no replay captured)
  8. evilgordo


    Second match of the morning. Time: 7/16 @ 8:33amPST Device: Galaxy s24 Match: Filia PF (Gold) Current Streak: 10 Teams: DreamBand/HoD/Wulfsbane vs. BeastKing/BHD/GraveDigger Crash: BB finish (streak lost, no replay captured)
  9. evilgordo


    This has happened a few times, so I assumed it was a known issue, I didn't see this data request thread till now, otherwise I would have reported the other crashes. Crash time: 7/15 7pmPST Device: Galaxy s24 Match info: This crash happened after the match recap, (so luckily streak was...
  10. evilgordo

    Collection Delete "sell" button on equipment menu

    Yes, any move or fighter you've invested should be 'favorited' as to not accidentally convert/sacrifice/sell/etc. them. (that's the very problem this function was created to solve). The game doesn't need to 'check' for equipped moves on sacrificed fighters; as those moves automatically go back...
  11. evilgordo

    Bug - Normal I tried converting my Gold Relic to shards and it still gives me an error

    Kinda. It means they are already shards. If you 'claimed' the relic but did not open it, then you'd need to convert it back to shards to purchase a fighter in the shop.
  12. evilgordo

    OFFICIAL: 6.3.1 Update Notes - Big Band Rework and Replays

    That's understandable, there's been a ton of in-game emails since the update (I got my invite the 2 days after the update). Check your Read folder for "Skullgirls Mobile Hub - Free Gift" or just go: hub.skullgirlsmobile.com and you can login with your SGM User ID (the in-game link just passes...
  13. evilgordo

    Greetings little stars

    Nice! I think you'll find this thread of interest...