• [2018/06/22]
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Recent content by Luvistit

  1. Luvistit

    OFFICIAL - 6.2.2 Update Notes - Prize Fight Pity System

    I'm from fangless club, now no more!!!
  2. Luvistit


    When will characters from the first season pass arrive in the regular relic??? Btw the game became pay to win, I haven't gotten any exclusive diamonds since the pass was released (I finish all PF), you should change that too... ...or maybe I should contact some russians! @kfc
  3. Luvistit

    Bug - Normal I bought and didn't receive

    Hello, I purchased the Galaxy Brain Deal event relics but I did not receive them.
  4. Luvistit

    Internet Connection

    15 minutes left to finish the rift battle and there is an internet connection problem, here it says it is an internet problem but the internet connection was fine, RIP DIAMOND 2!!!