• [2018/06/22]
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Recent content by mangobot

  1. M

    Bug - Normal My internet went out, so the game assumed I lost a fight.

    I believe my internet went out right near the end of the fight, but still during the fight, I do have 4g but its a really weak connection and I didn't automatically get disconnected from my internet when it went down so I was still connected even after it was no longer a usable connection.
  2. M

    Bug - Normal My internet went out, so the game assumed I lost a fight.

    I was doing a prize fight and the second after I won I got stuck on a loading screen, after a little bit I found out my internet had went out, and the game immediately assumed that I lost and I was forced to pay 55 gems to keep my streak. phone: iPhone 11 OS: iOS 13.5.1