• [2018/06/22]
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Recent content by Mith

  1. Mith

    Other Moves add to fighter score

    Why aren't moves part of a fighters fight score. If really sucks going into what looks like a relatively low level fight only to find out that the fighter has maxed out moves. So not only have you gone into a fight that you probably won't win even if you do you are getting very little reward...
  2. Mith


    Fair enough but I guess the real issue isn't that its named badly its that it functions badly and has little value
  3. Mith


    In this update were there changes actually made to this? because it seems just as terrible as it always has been. Like you put in one fighter that matches their whole team and carry 2 and the AI still manages to find a way to lose. Like I get that if its kinda close its not going to work but...
  4. Mith

    Master difficulty and Challanges

    Thanks for the tips. I should probably gear up a few more bronzes to get them done then. Yeah I guess its better to look that rift as end game. Might be better if its locked out until people are like lvl 70 or something. Just for me and the few friends I have playing Rift is a bit of a sore point.
  5. Mith

    Master difficulty and Challanges

    This has to be the least helpful thing anyone has written ever. It hasn't helped in the slightest, Assumed that game mechanics aren't understood and ignored the fact that rift has a short coming for people starting rift. It hasn't shown that the points made aren't valid or that I'm approaching...
  6. Mith

    Master difficulty and Challanges

    well as a newbie all I seem to face are opponents that have the perfect gold for a node fully unlocked and the best catalysts. So its pretty much go in, lose 5 times and hope I can get some ok catalysts with the rift coins. Tho its hard to get motivated to do even the 5 battles cos its not much...
  7. Mith

    Master difficulty and Challanges

    Yeah, I enjoy the game as a whole. Prize Fights are pretty good and the dailies are alright. I don't mind grinding out levels to get things at cap but yeah the game really does have a huge saw spot when it comes to that and rift battles (oh boy to I hate them, but I think all the faults on that...
  8. Mith

    Master difficulty and Challanges

    Just ti be clear its not so much complaining that its hard I'm just not convinced the value in the content when you weigh up the effort to reward
  9. Mith

    Master difficulty and Challanges

    Are these even worth doing? I've gotten some of them but honestly they don't seem difficult and more like a joke. The amount you would need to invest into characters (or the ones that don't have a tier requirement dumb luck on having the right OP drop) just seems not worth it at all. Like its...