• [2018/06/22]
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Recent content by NeedleFung

  1. N

    Bug - Normal Funny interaction between Fukua and Valentine

    Im not sure this is a bug, but see this video for better understanding. When Valentine got hit by Love Dart and the first hit of Best Friend Forever bb2, Valentine can stand up then defy the second hit of BFF bb2. Link video...
  2. N

    OFFICIAL: 6.5 Update Notes - New Monthly Fighters!

    Upcoming variant: 2B, Tifa, Frieren, Piccolo. I don't know the rest. Can someone help?
  3. N

    Bug - Normal Armor visual bug Megalomanic

    When Eliza was revived, she got one permanent armor stack due to Megal's Marquee ability. However, there was a bug when Harley used blockbuster, Eliza's one armor stack suddenly turned into 5 stacks, which were the same as Megal's. When I paused the game to see stat of armor, it only showed 1...
  4. N

    Other "NERF THIS!"

    Yeah I vote for Megalomanic's nerf, because currently I don't upgrade Nunsense!!!
  5. N

    Bug - Normal Funny interaction between Umby and Shadow Puppet

    I don't know this is a bug or anything, when I used Acid Reflux to defeat Shadow Puppet, which triggered her SA. Then her 7 sec ran out, there were 2 Fukua in the battle. Battle id: 2uy3-1l5i2zn Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lxuwBPKDVtqt83emzvZxjN82cvksFlly/view?usp=drivesdk
  6. N

    OFFICIAL: 6.4 Update Notes - Auto Battle Improvements

    - Blitz is good, but you need to corner her to deal evasion, so you need to tag her in first: -1 move slot. - Gaining immunity from tag-in with support variant like Sketchy and Prism is niche, noone can assure you will not be stun to tag out, or not suffer tag in lock. But still a visible...
  7. N

    OFFICIAL: 6.4 Update Notes - Auto Battle Improvements

    Imo, she deserves nerf. If dealing with only her, maybe not a problem, but you should remember that in a team, there is not only her broken, there are still 2 others. With upcoming "broken" variants coming, she gonna be a nightmare in any detense team. Besides, you mentioned curse, immunity...
  8. N

    Bug - Normal Windswept bugs

    No, precision hit can't trigger her SA. Did you watch the video? My windswept gained permanent precision after a successful evasion, but after a launch up hit (it was even at 3rd hit-combo), the precision suddenly disappeared. Besides, it only theoretically disappears when either fighter knocks...
  9. N

    Bug - Normal Windswept bugs

    In the 1st final node in no mercy parrallel realm, I use a team having windswept, harley quin and surgeon general against death wish and model leader. At 1:15, after windswept getting permanent precison, she suddenly lost it without any reason. It irritated me too much, lost good fighter just...
  10. N

    OFFICIAL: 6.4 Update Notes - Auto Battle Improvements

    What nerf bro? Last path she was buffed too far!!! Or that was called modification at least, not nerf. Read carefully pls!!! The evasion, and armor removed only when her opponent use a blockbuster, plus drain 10% blockbuster every 5 sec, that's ridiculous. Better to keep her past SA, rather than...
  11. N

    OFFICIAL: 6.4 Update Notes - Auto Battle Improvements

    Nerf Megalomaniac pls!
  12. N

    OFFICIAL: 6.4 Update Notes - Auto Battle Improvements

    When will Overclocked's bug be fixed?
  13. N

    Characters Nerf Megalomaniac

    In fact, we can regard her as the most annoying defender currently. Although there are theoretically some visible methods to take care of her, it is still extremely exhausting and hopeless to shut her down, like in one defender team, there is not only her as the problem, still 2 left!!! In my...
  14. N

    Characters Nerf Megalomaniac

    If you know many counterplay options, can you list them? And I don't know anything besides hex, curse, immunity, which are the solutions for anything. But are there many fighters access to those buff or debuff? Tag her in to defeat first? Nah, how can you beat her, especially in rift or high...
  15. N

    Characters Nerf Megalomaniac

    Why buffed her so crazy! Especially in rift, with Hex catalyst, she simply invincible. At least remove evasion, or return "lose one armor stack when either fighter using Blockbuster" part back. So annoying!!!