• [2018/06/22]
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Recent content by noconnection

  1. noconnection

    Talking with SGM content creators/former players (Episode 6)

    Talked with @88FingiesNez about the new Backstage Pass units and their thoughts on the game :D
  2. noconnection

    Talking with SGM content creators/former players (Episode 5)

    Me and my arch-nemesis @GraysonWells fanboyed about Black Dahlia for 2 hours straight and talked about our plans for the holidays :3
  3. noconnection

    Talking with SGM content creators/former players (Episode 4)

    Got in talks with my homie @Hayacchi a former whale that played during Fukua's debut :)
  4. noconnection

    OFFICIAL: 7.1 Update Notes - New Monthly Fighters!

    COME ON I JUST HELPED MAKE THE DAMN DAHLIA VIDEO REEEEEE (I already prepared for Kafka you can't stop me :) )
  5. noconnection

    Black Dahlia Guide Revisited

    This was a collab video with me, @Kevin Pepino and Grayson Wells but anyway thanks for letting me help out with this project <3
  6. noconnection

    Talking with SGM content creators/former players (Episode 3)

    Talked with @Deny17S about his opinions on Guest Stars and his history with the game :)
  7. noconnection

    Talking with SGM content creators/former players (Episode 2)

    I got in talks with @ZeoW to talk about his recent hiatus and his thoughts on the update with Guest Stars
  8. noconnection

    Talking with SGM content creators/former players (a series I'm working on)

    This isn't anything remotely serious, but overall I think it would be a good addition for content on this game on YouTube, so I talked with the likes of @Kevin Pepino and many other creators that will be featured about their history with this game and what they want to see change or be...
  9. noconnection

    Other Guest Stars will kill this game

    That title is not bait at all the way this new Guest Stars update was managed was horrible and sudden- - So you're telling me not only do said Guest Stars have stats like normal Moves but they can go up to 20 and better yet these cost a pretty penny so good luck pulling for a Shiny - This...
  10. noconnection

    OFFICIAL: 7.0 Update Notes - Guest Stars Debut!

    What I'm trying to get at is the sense of inconsistency HVS has with their patches. I could give them some leeway since they are a small team but even then they should commit to things the playerbase wants, like reworking variants, fixing the shard exchange and they know for a fact about Guilds...
  11. noconnection

    OFFICIAL: 7.0 Update Notes - Guest Stars Debut!

    This update sucks and for good reasons I'll say right now: -Guest Stars are just glorified Moves and you have to spend on them and not only that but evolve - Rift Boosting hasn't been remotely mentioned since 5 months ago on SGM Twitter and that system is still exploited - Fight Replays are...
  12. noconnection

    The Human Limit: Black Dahlia Prize Fight (Diamond) New Prize Fight World Record

    The following of what you are seeing now took about 72 hours of nonstop playtime and in-between breaks (and coffee). I'll be here to basically explain the behind the scenes of everything that went down to achieve this ridiculous score. For starters, I wasn't new to 1 Billion score grinds or 1k...
  13. noconnection

    Other This game has 1 year left based on how it's been treated

    This will proably be underlooked or not cared for enough but screw it idc so I made a video just talking about everything wrong with the game on why it has a year left.
  14. noconnection

    OFFICIAL: 6.5 Update Notes - New Monthly Fighters!

    So no guilds? *Breaks skateboard*
  15. noconnection

    World Record Holder for Highest Prize Fight Score

    Yeah I do its @noconnection___ :)