• [2018/06/22]
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Recent content by Reshiram18

  1. Reshiram18

    Other Tier list structural flaws and solutions

    Before I do anything else: This post is not about individual ratings of variants on the tier list. While some individual ratings will be mentioned as examples, this post is first and foremost a constructive piece of feedback on the general structure of the tier list, how the ratings function...
  2. Reshiram18

    Filia Ringlet Spike

    For single and double Ringlet, here are some routes. Anywhere, lights: J2 Hairball Ringlet Midscreen, lights/mids: launch D1 Ringlet, if running double Ringlet follow up with dash into Ringlet (doing any normal with the dash will drop Ringlet) Heavies: same as above, but just start with launch...
  3. Reshiram18

    OFFICIAL - 6.1 Update Notes - Marie's Full Release

    Futile is back baby. Bring on the light Dream Band/Treble bosses :cool:
  4. Reshiram18

    OFFICIAL - 5.4.1 Update Notes - Parallel Realms and the Backstage Pass

    It's consistent against the AI because they love holding block (clip is from 500% PF) https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxhjBTv2VFuMNalDLOvJx5kFEaHnGsQ76c
  5. Reshiram18

    OFFICIAL - 5.4.1 Update Notes - Parallel Realms and the Backstage Pass

    You can use flight dash attack as a blockstring to do a Neuro cycle: fly-dash-d1-l4-BB3 rinse and repeat. It is particularly useful when you have your special moves disabled and is easier to learn than the Gae Bolga version of the Neuro cycle
  6. Reshiram18

    OFFICIAL - 5.4.1 Update Notes - Parallel Realms and the Backstage Pass

    Will you be able to run all difficulties of Parallel in a cycle or only one difficulty? Mainly asking since some will want to run the lower ones just for completing the new accolades
  7. Reshiram18

    Unholy Host Balance Adjustments

    Can you please elaborate on why your day is ruined by Uhost getting nerfed?
  8. Reshiram18

    Unholy Host Balance Adjustments

    I think this nerf is quite good, it takes Uhost down from being this perfect goddess of utility while still having value for her since many players who got a hold of her (myself included) invested in her
  9. Reshiram18

    Fights new game mode (endless war)

    solo Uhost may not have infinite damage buildup but perfect utility and a free 40% damage on the opponent just for them coming in is still crazy and doesn't have those fringe matchup problems
  10. Reshiram18


    How much theonite do you think a premium currency version of the paid track would be worth? Full time F2P players can get around 3-3.5k theonite per month depending on if they do gold or diamond PF
  11. Reshiram18


    Looking forward to whatever the new game mode is, whether a tower or a big Everest boss fight or anything else. Hopefully the backstage pass isn't too heavily on the p2w side of the scale. Rip guilds for another year #ComingSoonTM
  12. Reshiram18


    "only real drawback is gold stats" I'd have to disagree with you on that. Windswept can't invalidate every matchup in the game the way Uhost can. She gets killed by Tainted Blood, she can't solo Uhost without support, and Deadeye is really annoying for her to face. Is she strong? Yes. Do we live...
  13. Reshiram18

    Characters Windswept needs a huge nerf: Will Star Shine get buffed?

    Windswept is not nearly as infallible as you think. For one, she is outright gets killed by Tainted Blood Painwheels when the precision is up. Second, defenders with Deadeye access (mainly Dahlias and Volatility Doubles) can hit through the evade and make getting the precision going much...
  14. Reshiram18

    OFFICIAL - 5.3.1 Update Notes - Black Dahlia's Full Release - Now LIVE!

    What annoys me more with this new lose screen is when you are longshotting for XP in Holodeck or something, you fumble a fight, and the game tells you "You should upgrade every fighter on your team" while I'm sitting there thinking, "but I'm trying to level this stuff up with the help of the...
  15. Reshiram18

    Bug - Normal Misinformation?

    The wiki had not been updated yet at the time of your post. At the time of my reply, the wiki has been updated to the newly buffed SA.