• [2018/06/22]
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Recent content by Robert555

  1. R

    Characters Key conversion

    Bronze characters have bad skills. You see fillia dread looks, she have a damage reflect skill. These skills are important and bronze characters do not have them, but there are exceptions, such as an umbrella, she has a high combo
  2. R

    Characters Key conversion

    Parallel realms no mercy You need diamond characters or I can just buy some accounts and there will be no problem because I know their ways of deceiving people
  3. R

    Characters Key conversion

    Well, at least silver keys every day because I am not rich, I am still studying, and also the currency. You live in America. I live in the western Middle East, where a dollar is worth a lot to us.
  4. R

    Characters Key conversion

    Well just the silver keys
  5. R

    Characters Key conversion

    I see. since you are not playing, give me your account, and I also see that you are a follower of OnePiece, because there is not much left for him to return. Currently, I am reading his manga.
  6. R

    Characters Key conversion

    At least they give us the silver keys
  7. R

    Characters Key conversion

    It is easier to obtain golden keys than silver ones, but as for diamond keys, there is no talk about them. What if at least in the daily gifts they give us at least a silver key? Is it considered a loss?
  8. R

    Characters Key conversion

    Hello, I started a new account After I lost my old account and got a diamond character, but diamond keys are difficult to obtain, especially since I am not a rich person. The important thing is that I want to add the conversion of bronze keys to silver, gold, and diamond keys. 3 Bronze key = 1...