• [2018/06/22]
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For natural diamonds the way it works is that when you get 1000 diamond shards, which are obtained by pulling gold fighters or from Rift rewards, you get a diamond fighter relic. Natural diamond fighters can also show up in normal relics, but they have a base pull rate of 0.5%.
You can also evolve a gold fighter to the diamond rarity by feeding in three appropriate elemental essences and five gold fighters that are the same character as what is being evolved. For example to diamond a Harlequin you would need three fire essence and any five gold Cerebella fighters.
Elemental shards can be obtained from elemental relics, daily events, timed relics like the Daily Relic, or can be purchased from the Cabinet of Curiosities with rift coins.1000 elemental shards of an element will make an essence of that element.