Omg omg you nail it. I see only greatness in this update
This is an awesome update. More exp & all new battle animations. Go to love it; you need to fine time to play more. I bought a extra battery just to play this game.
I need a lot of these too
I so hate when you lose the win streak. When you have to restart & fight a lot of super low fighter score team. That mode your talking about would be cool. I'm happy about the new fighter they added. They should they will add one new chapter in story mode in the next update.
I totally understand what your saying. I like all your ideas. That would spice up the game a bit. Heck I play prize fight more than anything now a days lol. Beat everything else. New dailys would be awesome too.
It never happens in story mode; but prize fight man lol. When you win 18 times in a roll a you lose when you have like 80% health . I wish they change this. Must fighting games on mobile isn't like this.