• [2018/06/22]
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  1. FriendlyWolf

    its time to grind, gonna save up diamond relics for shear force filia (and gold for pickleballer...

    its time to grind, gonna save up diamond relics for shear force filia (and gold for pickleballer beo)
  2. FriendlyWolf

    [MEDIA] me trying to go back on hiatus

    me trying to go back on hiatus
  3. FriendlyWolf

    Logged back in after hiatus just to try to get pickle baller, and I get locked in instead. lady...

    Logged back in after hiatus just to try to get pickle baller, and I get locked in instead. lady luck works in mysterious ways.
  4. FriendlyWolf


  5. FriendlyWolf

    *Rises from the grave to try to get mekastar*

    *Rises from the grave to try to get mekastar*
  6. FriendlyWolf

    OFFICIAL - 6.0 Update Notes - Marie's Debut!

    Update is awesome! Can't wait to start building marie into my collection! Welp, my code of only using Beowulf avatars is OVER... goodnight sweet prince... (until halloween ends). I am pushing all those variants to the side I am in awe of Barbie Parasoul. Can't wait to try them out!
  7. FriendlyWolf

    Parallel Realms

    Stand out isn't really necessary! Just makes it easier, you could probably use other variants. I don't think investing and planning certain moves with certain stat combinations should count as cheese because it actually takes a while to get those moves with certain stats and takes a lot of...
  8. FriendlyWolf

    Parallel Realms

    A Stand Out Eliza with high ATK and Piercing stats gets through most of the buffs and deals decent damage. (Albus!) ^ High Attack Filia with multiple ringlet spikes. What's that? Immoral Fiber/Model leader/Dreadlocks? Windswept. Or put on a Parasoul with Egret call (Dont forget your Harlequin...
  9. FriendlyWolf

    Parallel Realms

    So just finished no mercy. I was actually struggling until I started using Stand out for regular nodes. Thankfully I finished it and got the Aeon icon. From my experience buff removal is the way to go. Fear Robo-Fortune.
  10. FriendlyWolf

    Parallel Realms

    Node with +1600% hp/atk? And they get perma immunity below 50% health? Well I'm dusting off my Bio-Exorcist and getting my Filia's with first cut ready. Everyone else is gonna be for certain modifier battles.
  11. FriendlyWolf

    Unholy Host Balance Adjustments

    Honestly the nerf was very much needed. At high prize fight streaks I was forced to use only filias or hope my jawbreaker double would get lucky since that was my only reliable way to counter her drain and worse if she had her regen and haste marquee AND hoping she didnt tag out have a surgeon...
  12. FriendlyWolf


    forget everything else all I care about is THAT NEW FILIA VARIANT....ooo im actually excited for that umbrella one too. I completely forgot they had character abilities this is really cool actually. Maybe voice packs will be on the next roadmap. it would make playing parasoul and painwheel so...
  13. FriendlyWolf

    No death wish... but I got both diamond dahlias. Lady luck is a mysterious mistress indeed.

    No death wish... but I got both diamond dahlias. Lady luck is a mysterious mistress indeed.
  14. FriendlyWolf

    OFFICIAL - 5.3.1 Update Notes - Black Dahlia's Full Release - Now LIVE!

    I'm loving the patch notes! I'm only surprised we got Psycho Commander as a Prize Fight reward because the previous character's (Umbrella) gold reward is also a fire element fighter. AW YEAH I LOVE SOME FIGHTER UPDATES. Model Leader after killing my fodder fighter: Uh- Darkmight, immediately...
  15. FriendlyWolf

    For some reason I can't add images to posts. RIP I had custom card ideas again.

    For some reason I can't add images to posts. RIP I had custom card ideas again.
  16. FriendlyWolf

    Lady luck is a cruel mistress. Fortunately she took a liking to me for my 10+1 pull.

    Lady luck is a cruel mistress. Fortunately she took a liking to me for my 10+1 pull.
  17. FriendlyWolf

    Wolf's Beowulf Tier List

    I love lying. I was going to update it and then I found out there was an image limit. I'll update it though. Yes!! He's the ultimate attacker. The best offensive beowulf. His ability to inflict curse and wither ensures that you won't have to deal with buffs from defensive fighters or a BB3...
  18. FriendlyWolf

    *door to dark cellar opens* *my starving natural diamonds look up* *I point at Stand out and...

    *door to dark cellar opens* *my starving natural diamonds look up* *I point at Stand out and xbot and jingle some keys* *they rush out of the cellar* *both fortunes look at me with sad pleading eyes* * I close the cellar*
  19. FriendlyWolf

    Diamonds are a skullgirl's best friend.

    As soon as I got that mail containing this variant I immediately went to diamond it.
  20. FriendlyWolf

    OFFICIAL - 5.1 Update Notes - Umbrella's Full Release!

    Not enough data to honestly make a final opinion. Though I havent gone far. I do the usual last minute thing and by then its a lot of weak opponents. But with the reset tiers that probably wont be a problem for long! Hopefully it shouldnt be too long before the dust settles and everyone gathers...