• [2018/06/22]
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Search results

  1. E

    Bug - Normal HeadStrong and Understudy change stats.

    Thanks! I was waiting for that.
  2. E

    Bug - Normal HeadStrong and Understudy change stats.

    In the gold, Headstrong have aggressive stats and UnderStudy have balanced stats. In the diamond, these stats are reversed. UnderStudy have aggressive stats and Headstrong have balanced stats. Is this intended? I think this is a bug. This is not the information error of the fan site, but...
  3. E

    Other We need XP Boost On/Off function.

    12h XP Boost is cool. but we need XP boost on/off function. please help us.
  4. E

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    hacker 21 hacker 22
  5. E

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    hacker 11 hacker 12 hacker 13 hacker 14 hacker 15 hacker 16 hacker 17 hacker 18 hacker 19 hacker 20
  6. E

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    hacker 1 hacker 2 hacker 3 hacker 4 hacker 5 滴哩哩 Lansus hacker 6 hacker 7 hacker 8 hacker 9 hacker 10
  7. E

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    i think them are hack program user
  8. E

    Fights Element formula suggestion

    but, that idea have problems. i think Elements Adventage is already useful. Elements Disadventage need rework. disadventage`s critcap is too low.