• [2018/06/22]
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  1. VinEye

    Post your collection

    Edited my original comment to add the silvers
  2. VinEye

    Post your collection

    I have done a total of 3 11 rolls of premium relics 1: 3 Golds 2x Primed Parasoul + 1 Raw Nerve Painwheel 0 Silver 2: 0 Gold 1 Silver Robocopy Big Band 3: 0 Gold 3 Silver Gray Matter Cereballa, Rage Appropriate Painwheel and Bad Ms Frosty Fillia
  3. VinEye

    Quick questions from a Newbie

    Thanks for the info, one last question, should i roll the cerebellum exclusive one?
  4. VinEye

    Quick questions from a Newbie

    Hi just started and i'm really liking the game so far but would like some advice on what i should and shouldn't be doing. I did 2 11 rolls and got 3 Golds from them, 2 Primed Parasouls and 1 Raw Nerve Painwheel. Was wondering what should i do with dupes? Should i feed one to the other or am i...