• [2018/06/22]
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  1. CattyCatofCatClowns

    Robo Fortune = Brain Drains daughter?

    ^^ yes! you dont find robots cute and family?
  2. CattyCatofCatClowns

    Collection Trading?

    You can trade characters, XP treats, Moves, Coins, and elemental shards (idk
  3. CattyCatofCatClowns

    Collection Trading?

    Now now I know there can be A LOT that can go wrong with this but think about it- If we have it for lvl 60 and higher it shouldn't be a big prob? A lot of grinding games have trading and lets say someone has a overclocked you really want and you have an Xbox they want! It can just be a nice...
  4. CattyCatofCatClowns

    Robo Fortune = Brain Drains daughter?

    [just a theory] In Robo's story we see him a lot [not much in Painwheels not at all in Fukuas we can also tell how Robos and Brains design are similar [grayish skin, solid color eyes, random yellow bits] idk i thought this would be a cool idea