• [2018/06/22]
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  1. B

    That we can name the characters' arsenals and that they are unlimited

    Hello Skullgirls developers, I would like you to implement two things if possible. 1st - That we could give each arsenal a name, for example, if I want a specific arsenal for Peacock Christmas Thief, have his arsenal with his name to know that it is his. 2nd - I would like them to put infinite...
  2. B

    Other That we can name the characters' arsenals and that they are unlimited

    Hello Skullgirls developers, I would like you to implement two things if possible. 1st - That we could give each arsenal a name, for example, if I want a specific arsenal for Peacock Christmas Thief, have his arsenal with his name to know that it is his. 2nd - I would like them to put infinite...