• [2018/06/22]
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  1. S

    Bug - Crash Making a purchase through the Huawei skullgirl app gallery 6.2.2

    I wanted to buy crystals in the store, but in the Huawei app galery version, I have an empty store there is nothing at all, please help me solve my problem, I have been trying to solve it for 2 days, but I can't, I hope for help, thank you
  2. S

    Bug - Normal Banned my account

    Hello, please help me, my account in the game has been blocked, but I do not understand why, they wrote to me in support that it was because I downloaded it from another game store, please check my account again, there are no violations, my account was linked to Google Play, I I downloaded it...
  3. S

    Characters Skullgirl Annie

    Здравствуйте, можно ли сбросить персонажа? Я по ошибке прокачал не того героя и полностью влил в нее все ресурсы, я прокачал Энни тройную угрозу, а не силу луны, очень хотелось бы сбросить героя и вернуть ресурсы