• [2018/06/22]
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  1. M

    OFFICIAL: 6.5 Update Notes - New Monthly Fighters!

    Then the game has a redundancy issue. The enrages aren't permanent so, like every other buff and debuff in the game, the same way the tutorial taught us, they should be removed when tagging out. I'm sorry for the fit, I'm always happy when the game is updated, but some changes are often...
  2. M

    OFFICIAL: 6.5 Update Notes - New Monthly Fighters!

    That Dreamon + IP fix is proof that you are completely alien to the community and the game's inner workings, despite, you know, you making the game in the first place. Why? What was wrong with it? If "Those are Dream Demon's enrages" is your reasoning, I'll let you know that Thrill Shrieker +...
  3. M

    Help with 'bait' Rift Battle bases

    This is not the correct thread to post this, but since I received a notification, I'm gonna tell you what is wrong with your claim. That looks like it's a bait defense, it's intended to lose fast to make you get a lower score. You should check their profile, they aren't defending with their...
  4. M

    Bug - Normal Squigly Visual Bug

    Yes, it's the variant, and it's intended. Her palette is a Minecraft reference, so the devteam added a pixelated background effect to make everything look more square-like, as a nod to Minecraft cube based world.
  5. M

    Bug - Normal Anny's event - Robo Fortune's Power Surge

    Greetings, the "issue" here is Wunderkind in the opponent team, doing exactly what she's told to. Wunderkind deals damage when 3 stacks of surge are acquired
  6. M

    Bug - Normal Failure to gather player info post rift battles (defending)

    When checking how a rift fight has gone. This occurs if you tap the opponent team on a fight they had (image 2) but instead of their info popping up, it's a placeholder icon (image 3). Device: xiaomi redmi 8 (2021) I was actually looking for rift replays. The replay feature would be a lot more...
  7. M

    Bug - Normal Overclocked's unblockables on tag in

    As per video Just Overclocked's unblockables being programming hell as usual. Is it fixed? Is it not fixed? Does OC truly have unblockables??? We may never know, for what lies beneath the next patch is a mystery. Edit: This never, ever, occurred. And now it's 6.3 and that's two times already...
  8. M

    Bug - Normal Edit: Very minor BB3 issue for Umbrella

    I might have figured out something. It doesn't seem to be strictly related to Umbrella + Fukua teams. Having Umbrella tag in directly into BB3 is enough to trigger the glitch Edit: tagging into bb3 is definitely more common than spawning and then despawning clones
  9. M

    Bug - Normal Resolution setting issue

    This has never ever happened during the 4 years I played before the latest bugfix patch. Basically, when launching the game, there is a non 0 chance that whatever graphics setting was set during the last play session is completely ignored, and the bar sets up all the way to "pretty". Now, the...
  10. M

    Bug - Normal Edit: Very minor BB3 issue for Umbrella

    I'll post a followup reply in case I figure out anything else, but, given the nature of BB3s, it just works as a fancy, funny, impractical corner carry as of now.
  11. M

    Bug - Normal Edit: Very minor BB3 issue for Umbrella

    If Fukua spawns her clone special without releasing it with a second tap and immediately tags out, then Umbrella tags in and uses her unblockable blockbuster, Umbrella will use Fukua's clone's momentum to travel forward. The AI performed this against me and replicating it was extremely easy...
  12. M

    Bug - Normal Prize Fight buttons not aligned on reset

    Did some testing. Happens when starting fresh. Entering the prize fight or exiting the menu in any way will fix it until the app is closed again, or fix it permanently if the prize fight is also started.
  13. M

    Bug - Normal Prize Fight buttons not aligned on reset

    Basically shows up when a new prize fight starts. The buttons are all placed together, as per screenshot. Will update you in case this shows up again, I haven't checked if it's still the case post update.
  14. M

    Collection Collection filter suggestion

    I know this is a very oddly specific request, but I'm having a couple issues with the current collection size and filtering. Namely, the following: Issue 1: Having difficulties looking for a specific variant Suggested fix: add a natural / evolved / shiny blacklist button. As crazy as it...
  15. M

    Bug - Normal Bug?

    I believe they mean that they downed Immoral before time stop triggered. Fukua should start the next match at 1 hp.
  16. M

    Bug - Normal Wrong energy recharge time

    Filed a customer support ticket as instructed. Thanks for the heads up.
  17. M

    Bug - Normal Pinion Dash lasting the wrong amount of time

    At the wall, launching into Pinion Dash lasts a shorter amount of time (possibly caused by covering the wrong distance) against some opponents. Has a chance of whiffing vs. Filia and Squigly, has a chance of canceling faster on hit vs. them ans Ms. Fortune, against the rest of the cast the...
  18. M

    Bug - Normal Wrong energy recharge time

    Sorry for replying to something that should be resolved, but I'm still facing the issue. Will the fix be in a soon to be released update patch? Both were at 2 energy after fighting twice in light prize fight. I turned off Skullgirls, waited some time by watching a 7 minute Youtube video and...
  19. M

    Bug - Normal Prize Fight buttons not aligned on reset

    Minor graphical issue. Can be fixed by menuing around. Device: Xiaomi Redmi 8 (2021)
  20. M

    Bug - Normal Door Mat throw whiff resulting in graphic bug

    Sure, sorry for being unclear