• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Tuxoxogka

    SG Custom Fighters

    Oh my god, thank you for your review! I'm so glad to know that someone liked our character!
  2. Tuxoxogka

    SG Custom Fighters

    The palette I made with my friend: APOTHEOSIS! Abilities are also present. My post in which they are written will be published soon.
  3. Tuxoxogka

    New Painwheel variant and new unique mechanic for character!

    Greetings, comrades! In this post I want to show you a new variant for Painwheel, that we made with my game-friend (she came up with the palette and abilities, and I made the palette on the site, my nickname in game is Tuxoxogka and her is Sandra), and with it a new mechanic for an ability that...
  4. Tuxoxogka

    Младшие братья

    Неа. Это не предусмотрено в игре. Только заново выбить перса.