• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Disasterrr19

    Congrats, which one is that?

    Congrats, which one is that?
  2. Disasterrr19


    Во-первых, по-русски тебе здесь ответить смогут человек пять, форум все-таки англоязычный. С испанским и другими языками та же проблема. Так что пиши на английском. Во-вторых, тебе не в этот раздел, а в Known Issues & Bugs , там всякие глюки постят. В-третьих, обычно такие косяки возникают...
  3. Disasterrr19

    Also, figure out what you want to do in the game. If you're here to compete and try to get to...

    Also, figure out what you want to do in the game. If you're here to compete and try to get to the top, then read forums, discuss, choose the best investments, etc. If you want to have fun, then just choose the Fighter and Variant you like and enjoy, forget about people telling you "Never invest...
  4. Disasterrr19

    I would recommend to watch a series of guides on Youtube made by our top player @Yujipooji. He...

    I would recommend to watch a series of guides on Youtube made by our top player @Yujipooji. He discusses a lot of important moments, both huge things and small details.
  5. Disasterrr19

    Great job! The next time I'll open enough relics to have at least some statistical power, you'll...

    Great job! The next time I'll open enough relics to have at least some statistical power, you'll get the numbers.
  6. Disasterrr19

    Please, do. Also, you can suggest anyone who is planning a big relic opening to contribute and...

    Please, do. Also, you can suggest anyone who is planning a big relic opening to contribute and post their results.
  7. Disasterrr19

    what moves would you guys recommend for fly trap painwheel?

    My FT is built this way: 2 Pinion Dashes - rolled good bonuses on both, one can be replaced with Cruel Lily (bleeds, combo extension after juggle on some characters), Gae Bolga Stinger (G5->GBS->G5 combo linker on most characters) or Snapdragon (if an Outtake move is needed); Death Crawl -...
  8. Disasterrr19

    Other Trading

    No. Just no. I'll just quote my older post, since my opinion did not change a bit: Why trading is bad for SGM
  9. Disasterrr19

    Revised Painwheel Tier List

    I don't see why Dream Band gives you so much trouble. Immunity counters Freaky's bleeds, yes, but you can always go L5->Gae Bolga Stinger->L5->Gae Bolga Stinger->L5->Cruel Lily. Add more GBS links if you want. Easily reaches 5 Bleed stacks even after one GBS due to Crit Chance bonus, keeps him...
  10. Disasterrr19

    Probably not how we're intended to play Rift Battles

    I am not sure if I understand the whole thing about coin farming. Isn't going straight to Diamond ranks with no battles lost more profitable in terms of rewards? Or do you mean that people are just grinding low ranks endlessly to get "per victory" coins instead of trying to get better "end of...
  11. Disasterrr19

    Bug - Normal Valentine -100% meter syringe

    Mate, put some coins in it to get it to 25% (lvl 9, I guess), it's worth it.
  12. Disasterrr19

    Bug - Normal Valentine -100% meter syringe

    Come on, just finish your combos with CV: Sedative and forget about their BB3s. I had some fun with the VH bug, but Val's good without it.
  13. Disasterrr19

    Revised Painwheel Tier List

    From a point of view of a person who now finally has all PWs, tested them all in the field, and considers PW as a main character, I almost completely agree with @theLoneskull 's list with one minor exception - I still place Rusty above Blood Drive. If this tier list is meant to reflect not only...
  14. Disasterrr19

    Hey, we can use cyrillic fonts now! I don't think that Russian community is huge enough to...

    Hey, we can use cyrillic fonts now! I don't think that Russian community is huge enough to justify the time and resources needed for full Russian voices dubbing. Unless we can find a team of volunteers (my voice is just plain awful, for example). Anyway, the suggestions should go to Feedback &...
  15. Disasterrr19

    Смотри-ка, кириллицу прикрутили! Не думаю, что русское коммьюнити достаточно велико, чтобы...

    Смотри-ка, кириллицу прикрутили! Не думаю, что русское коммьюнити достаточно велико, чтобы оправдать затраты. Ну, если только сами соберем команду добровольцев (у меня голос кошмарный, например). В любом случае, предложения надо писать на английском в ветку Feedback & Suggestions, разрабы-то...
  16. Disasterrr19

    Too serious... But wait, he can do that, he's a go***mn Batman!

    Too serious... But wait, he can do that, he's a go***mn Batman!
  17. Disasterrr19


  18. Disasterrr19

    Oh, a new interface! Old stupid me will have to readjust...

    Oh, a new interface! Old stupid me will have to readjust...
  19. Disasterrr19

    Honestly, I think that it's just a routine maintenance. If it was to be something big, Liam or...

    Honestly, I think that it's just a routine maintenance. If it was to be something big, Liam or Cellsai would most likely give us at least a little hint, like "Don't forget to check the Forum right after it returns!".
  20. Disasterrr19

    Both are insane. I would choose based on how many skillpoints you have and how good are your...

    Both are insane. I would choose based on how many skillpoints you have and how good are your specials and BBs for each. SInce you already have LSDouble, Shadow gameplay would probably be more fresh and interesting for you.