• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Poringsmasher

    How to Improve Scores in Prize Fights?

    It knocks them away when you get stuck in a combo. You can also use it sometimes to save yourself if they block something you do that can be punished. For min maxing damage and combos though bursts shouldn't be in your main set.
  2. Poringsmasher

    What to spend theromite on?

    Yeah moisterrific can solo with any of their characters so I imagine it's pretty easy to get a huge streak. Meanwhile my best is 7k but the next two are 4k that I still kill 8-9k characters pretty easily with on those higher streaks. Still lots of work to do. I will say if you could buy a...
  3. Poringsmasher

    How to Improve Scores in Prize Fights?

    This is basically my method and yeah, when you get really high on the streak one slip up can often mean death, so my carries all...carry...a burst just in case lol. I should be playing more now but hands are full of blisters from yard work...unfun
  4. Poringsmasher

    Other Auto-complete Daily Events

    Or at least have an option/button to complete. Sometimes I run the newly obtained golds through lower stuff.
  5. Poringsmasher

    Tier list as of 1.2.0 (outdated)

    It's also hard to have tiers without having separate AI tiers and player tiers. I feel like the AI generally wastes Big Band's potential for example, but can sometimes do insane stuff with Painwheel. I do hope some more work is being done on better AI and/or harder difficulties as well. Edit...
  6. Poringsmasher

    What to spend theromite on?

    I run about 2 and a half teams. I have 2 carries that I'm confident in to solo lead two teams and depending on where level ups happen I run a third in parts. Really I could run another with my max silvers too but it feels wasteful to not get exp. The top people have way more points than me...
  7. Poringsmasher

    What to spend theromite on?

    The only reason I'm looking at relics is because certain variants are only in their own box (though not each exclusive is worth it). Your method is definitely one of the best methods for getting to the top quickly and efficiently and is used in most games like this. I'm sitting at 9mil on the...
  8. Poringsmasher

    Fights Increase end game sources of exp

    This sounds like a lot of coding for what could be solved much easier, like the return of the Quick Fight mode. Medici Mafia is also good BECAUSE it uses blue energy, we just need a repeatable mode for using yellow energy. The thing you described would be completed and then you're stuck with...
  9. Poringsmasher

    Advanced AI shenanigans

    I think where I'm getting confused is your use of "aerial combo" which can only be done after you launch the opponent into the air and you continue attacking. Even if you didn't tap the screen after launching they can't attack you back, so I'm not sure what you mean. Now, the AI CAN get some...
  10. Poringsmasher

    Advanced AI shenanigans

    I get higher win steaks than that and never have the AI do anything markedly different. The only difference is higher ones tend to have better movesets so they have more options for chaining. Which characters are you using when this happens to you? Is it vs the same character or any of them...
  11. Poringsmasher

    Advanced AI shenanigans

    Ah nice, Graveyard Shift I literally just gold ranked today even though I already have Silent Kill because GS is one of the best Valentines. Parasite Weave is also a fun crit stunner besides the fact that Filia as a character is also very mobile which is also sometimes quite helpful for dashing...
  12. Poringsmasher

    Bug - Normal Blockbuster hangs with status effects

    Ah didn't think of that, makes sense. I mean, it still shouldn't happen, but I get why it's happening.
  13. Poringsmasher

    Advanced AI shenanigans

    I wouldn't say any character is "weak" and I wouldn't discourage people from trying out everyone. Painwheel is a risk reward type with very high attack and low hp/def so one decent opening can often 1 combo KO. Filia can also be quite good and most versions of her focus on crit in some way...
  14. Poringsmasher

    Bug - Normal Blockbuster hangs with status effects

    I'm not sure about waiting for certain animations, but I've seen this most often from Parasoul when she does Inferno Brigade. Basically it kills whoever is out and puts...I forget if it's 5 or 6 debuffs on, but it won't send the next character out until all the debuffs have ended which kills...
  15. Poringsmasher

    When next eliza prize fight..?

    Yeah it was pretty random. Was jumping on to get my PF winnings and checked the new one and was like "Oh! Nice!" and then blew through my blue energy before going to bed now =P
  16. Poringsmasher

    Fights Increase end game sources of exp

    Yeah I only do Advanced level Daily anymore and spam PFs as much as possible. It sucks losing a streak but once you've hit all the milestones it's kinda whatever at that point anyway because I'm not touching the top spots. Losing the streak is like the "ok now I can REALLY put the lowbies in"...
  17. Poringsmasher

    Big Band Relic box trolled me...

    Big Band Relic box trolled me...
  18. Poringsmasher

    The Obligatory Hello! Thread

    Oh, yeah I guess I should throw an intro in here. The names's Jeremiah but I usually go by SuperPoring or Poring in most games or a variation if someone somehow sniped it first. I play a variety of everything except sports games all the way back to Atari, Commodore 64 and NES up to PS4, Switch...
  19. Poringsmasher

    No Fortune love?

    Yeah the option to get a "Sol Badguy"-like character in SG was what I really wanted to headline my team, but hey, maybe after Indivisible they'll eventually work on a SG2 lol. Really at this point I just want more characters/more content so I'll take what I can get.
  20. Poringsmasher

    No Fortune love?

    Well I'm also a great fan of puns and if nothing else she'll bring more of those lol. As is, I already like a lot of the names of the various fighter types and I'm sure Nadia will have some great ones as well. I'd even be fine with her being a fairly basic character with extra flavor on the...