• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Kanashī Fuan'na

    Resolved Beowulf BB Bug?

    Is it a Bug or New Update BB for Beowulf? Coz idk if this bug or nah And his Block Changed From His Chair to His Championship Belt
  2. Kanashī Fuan'na

    Bug - Crash Taken to empty screen and stuck there

    Oh well thats a different story for me i guess.. Sorry 'bout that ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
  3. Kanashī Fuan'na

    Bug - Crash Taken to empty screen and stuck there

    That happen to me too but i just press the back botton and then it will return to the relic store again.
  4. Kanashī Fuan'na

    Resolved Can't Activate any Spacial Moves & BB

    Yeah sorry but the glitch still operating w( ̄△ ̄;)w! I also thought that the cause of the bug was switching app or accidentally pressing the switch app
  5. Kanashī Fuan'na

    Bug - Normal Existe una falla de las habilidades no funciona

    I just report this bug 2 days ago, the dev says it fixed now.
  6. Kanashī Fuan'na

    Resolved Can't Activate any Spacial Moves & BB

    Thank you Dev (*・ω・*)b
  7. Kanashī Fuan'na

    Resolved Can't Activate any Spacial Moves & BB

    Thats what happen to me yesterday. (# ̄ω ̄)
  8. Kanashī Fuan'na

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    https://plus.google.com/photos/photo/106601043296948186028/6616616055696163874 Idk if it is a mod player or hacker or his just really good.
  9. Kanashī Fuan'na

    Resolved Can't Activate any Spacial Moves & BB

    Whats the cause of your game bug?
  10. Kanashī Fuan'na

    Resolved Can't Activate any Spacial Moves & BB

    When i accidently press the home botton on my phone and when i go back thats it. I dont know if thats the problem tho. ┐( ̄ヘ ̄; )┌ im not sure 'bout that.
  11. Kanashī Fuan'na

    Resolved Can't Activate any Spacial Moves & BB

    Device: Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Version: 7.0 Is it my phone or the game because everytime i accidentally touch the recent botton and going back on game i cant touch any SM and BB but i can make any combos on the fighter. And i cant even swap fighter. This happen 3 times now and its really...
  12. Kanashī Fuan'na


  13. Kanashī Fuan'na


    Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Android 7.0 Edit: Thanks for the Help. Now i can enjoy this game again ♪ヽ(*´∀`)ノ
  14. Kanashī Fuan'na


    If anyone know how to fix this please help me. Thanks If anyone can see the video i send please tell me how to fix it. If not, it appears that theres a black grapics appearing in the game during a fight.
  15. Kanashī Fuan'na

    Other Different Announcer Voice

    I'll be happy if they add some Different voice for the Announcer