• [2018/06/22]
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  1. L

    Is there any way to transfer save file?

    I've heard using the LINE account is the best, stability-wise so that might be something you should go out of your way for. To make an account you need to install the LINE client but afterwards you can uninstall/ignore it.
  2. L

    Is there any way to evade Unblockable BBs?

    Welp, I've been playing the current Painwheel Prize Fight and yes, Unblockables are really bloody stupid. I'm basically punished for doing any combos at all and yet that's kind of the only way you beat teams that exceed your own Fighter Score without something like No Egrets Parasoul...
  3. L

    This game is brutally unfair/difficult

    I think the game could use more systems to better ease a player into the game but skill is far, far more than just 8% of the game. It's very possible to win a fight with barely a scratch and vice versa. Like Osterus suggests, most of your time should be spent in Prize Fights which is the...