• [2018/06/22]
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  1. BrolaireOfAsstora

    Eliza Blood Sport Event (Bronze/Silver/Gold)

    2633057 in gold, putting me in top 1-10%. 360264 in silver, sticking me also in top 1-10% 43869 in bronze, because idgaf, set me in 11-30% I'm just glad I was able to get all the Eliza's in the event. Still shocks me just how high up these guys get on here. Good job to those who got an Eliza!
  2. BrolaireOfAsstora

    Moisterrific's Filia Tier List and Recommended Builds

    Neither do I apparently.
  3. BrolaireOfAsstora

    Oh where oh where has my squiggly gone?

    Woah woah woah Hang on a second there buddy You forgot that Big Band is best girl It's an honest mistake, happens to the best of us
  4. BrolaireOfAsstora

    Cleared all of Eliza's & Medici's PFs. Feels good!

    Hey, good job man! Here's hoping we all score that Diva Intervention Eliza. I still need to finish silver, and bronze I could give less of a heck about.
  5. BrolaireOfAsstora

    What to spend theromite on?

    Nvm apparently I'm pants on head retarded and didn't read his name
  6. BrolaireOfAsstora

    How to Improve Scores in Prize Fights?

    Haha, shouldve specified. I mean gold and silver rank heroes. I need them to compete in gold pfs so I can do better. Exp for them is nice too, especially since I've 100%ed story now
  7. BrolaireOfAsstora

    What to spend theromite on?

    Got it. I still this IL is better because she can halt bb3s entirely, something which made her a mainstay on my story team. The rebuffs for no egrets is cool and good, but I just don't score enough criteria for her to work overall. Also, who's Tom?
  8. BrolaireOfAsstora

    Special Costumes

    Not like that, I mean just changing their colors to go with the event.
  9. BrolaireOfAsstora

    Special Costumes

    I was reminiscing about the maybe 3 weeks I played heroes and I remembered the special costumes you could get for certain characters during events. Do you think SG could implement that well, as in a Christmas Val or holiday themes for the other characters?
  10. BrolaireOfAsstora

    What to spend theromite on?

    Okay. Thanks for the advice! I still don't understand why everyone says IL Parasoul is so bad though. She's generally been more useful to me than No egrets, but I'll do what you say. Assuming I get a gold Eliza tonight, do I dust my duplicates or save them to evolve BT best girl and GS Val?
  11. BrolaireOfAsstora

    What to spend theromite on?

    Okay. My best is barely 2500 though, and it's a silver no less. Here's my team(s). Any clue what to do with them?
  12. BrolaireOfAsstora

    How to Improve Scores in Prize Fights?

    So for these heavy carry sets, run a burst as a lasr resort? I'll try that. Thanks! Do you have a way to farm gold's or silvers though?
  13. BrolaireOfAsstora

    How to Improve Scores in Prize Fights?

    Ouch, man. That sucks. Are the bursts really that useful? I mostly just scrap them for cash.
  14. BrolaireOfAsstora

    What to spend theromite on?

    They really are, yeah. My favorite is Private Dick because Im socially immature, lol. I know Moisterrific has something like 21 million points, but it's still hard to believe they get up that far. I'm just hoping I can get three mil before the even ends to boost my chances of getting the diva...
  15. BrolaireOfAsstora

    What to spend theromite on?

    Armed forces is her name, and good god, 9mil?! Dude, I'm barely at 2.5 mil. What team are you using?
  16. BrolaireOfAsstora

    How to Improve Scores in Prize Fights?

    That seems fair. I just need a way to grind silvers now I guess.
  17. BrolaireOfAsstora

    What to spend theromite on?

    Alright. I evooved her mainly because I like her ability to give a lot of regeneration to fighters.
  18. BrolaireOfAsstora

    What modifiers / abilities would you like to see?

    That seems fair. I think.... Idk, maybe 45% of damage? That seems fair.
  19. BrolaireOfAsstora

    What to spend theromite on?

    Okay, can do. Out of curiosity, let's say Ive already evolved an icy hot Val. Should I sack her, or keep her?