• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Yukine


    Alright Thanks
  2. Yukine


    It's wasn't evolved It was a pure gold character
  3. Yukine


    Alright I'll try it out but gaining prestige is hard
  4. Yukine


    It wasn't on a prize fight plus I've rerolled alot of moves to boost HP, atk and CRIT rate but the power level doesn't change
  5. Yukine

    Same diamond character twice

    Is that how the Is that how it usually is?? I'm a new player so I'm not sure
  6. Yukine

    Same diamond character twice

    Why did I get the same diamond character twice in a row Annie: Starlight rose It's not fair considering how hard it is to get a diamond character
  7. Yukine


    Is the any other way to increase a fighter max power besides skill tree and Level up My Marie: Octoplasm gold is at 9654 but I've seen the same Marie of 11k Is there anything I'm missing