• [2018/06/22]
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  1. A

    Idling is the most infuriating thing to lose a streak to

    Just lost a fight against a Splitting Image who was 15% health, and she decided to do NOTHING but guard for the last 20 seconds of the match. I just needed 3 seconds tops to beat her. Idling NEEDS to get fixed. We SHOULD have frequent openings, there shouldn't be a period of more than 10...
  2. A

    OFFICIAL: Daily Events & Upcoming Economy Updates

    I still won't praise this. When I heard there was going to be a rework to dailies, I thought they would be: -Shorter (Maybe 7 or less nodes) -Easier / Less annoying -Same amount of rewards The one thing I did not expect was a general coin farm nerf. And no, another Medici a week (300K coins)...
  3. A

    Mexico. Why the question?

    Mexico. Why the question?
  4. A

    OFFICIAL - 5.1 Update Notes - Umbrella's Full Release!

    Yeah, once PER difficulty, and you could do every daily on every difficulty AND do Holodeck and AE with no penalty other than wasted time. Stop defending such a terrible change. We demand 6 tickets a day, no less. Either that or DON'T TAKE A TICKET IF I DO DAILIES MANUALLY. As I stated...
  5. A

    OFFICIAL - 5.1 Update Notes - Umbrella's Full Release!

    So basically "We already know people do not like the changes even before trying them, but we won't do anything unless we get major backlash" Got it
  6. A

    OFFICIAL - 5.1 Update Notes - Umbrella's Full Release!

    Yes, because I thought that was how it was going to work. Having to use tickets to play the dailies is an insult considering a lot of them are a chore. I wouldn't pay to do a chore, would you?
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    OFFICIAL - 5.1 Update Notes - Umbrella's Full Release!

    It should be 3 tickets a day, no less
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    OFFICIAL - 5.1 Update Notes - Umbrella's Full Release!

    I didn't even think about this, this is a horrible change wtf
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    OFFICIAL - 5.1 Update Notes - Umbrella's Full Release!

    This is a really small update for the wait, but the changes are welcome, I suppose Thanks
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    OFFICIAL: Umbrella Release Details & Relic Availability

    They're already in the game, adding them to a normal pool is so easy the function might already be in the game, it just isn't enabled. The next update better be massive, otherwise I'll see myself taking a break from the game. Again.
  11. A

    OFFICIAL: Umbrella Release Details & Relic Availability

    11 days from now exactly. The Umbrella relic offer ends in exactly 11 days, and they just announced that 5.1 is coming soon. So, most certainly August 1st. If this is true, damn, 100+ intentional days with no new content or patches just to max out profits from Umbrella.
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    OFFICIAL: Umbrella Release Details & Relic Availability

    Same boat, I'm almost at 400 relics right now, I am patient, but not that patient. I have been thinking about dropping the game for a couple of months again due to the lack of information / transparency towards players. Even a small weekly article about the next update would be appreciated...
  13. A

    how to counter Assasins's greed Valentine?

    I use Jawbreaker (Any double works, maybe Xenomorph is a better choice with chaos) / Hack N Splash with a Harlequin as support, both using their signature three special combo Only in really high streaks does she survive an entire combo There are more characters that actively punish blockbuster...
  14. A

    OFFICIAL: Umbrella Release Details & Relic Availability

    Anyone else having terrible luck? I've opened 23 Peckish premieres and have got a total of 0 Umbrellas, I should've gotten between 2 or 3 by chance alone, I don't know if something is wrong
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    OFFICIAL: Umbrella Release Details & Relic Availability

    When are we getting the patch notes?
  16. A

    +30K Como ?

    No es posible, pero si los ves en Peleas Premiadas, sus stats se inflan conforme avanza tu racha, es normal ver personajes de 40K en rachas de 30+ en las Peleas Premiadas de diamante de cualquier personaje
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    4.10.2 Update Notes (Now Live!)

    Yeah, i agree 110%, we need some statement ASAP and more communication in the future, there are games that share information every week, but all we ask is once a month.
  18. A

    Characters Some defenders are stronger than they should be (half rant / possible bug)

    This goes specifically for Model Leader and Splitting Image Model Leader is simply busted strong. No way around it. The ability to remove buffs from allies and give them armor is OK, but the ability to do just that to herself is ridiculous on a lot of levels. Splitting Image is a problem of...
  19. A

    Resolved Unflinching Issue

    The unflinching nerf hasn't been applied to most cases. In some Prize Fights, Armed Forces still gets her 10 seconds of unflinching instead of her new 5. Also, most Big Band Daily Event nodes have this very same issue, I don't know if it is stage or node based, but some numbers are still there.