• [2018/06/22]
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  1. ShadowSpider

    Bug - Normal Zero Scratch damage on characters aside from Valentine

    so what just happened to me in a match was as follows: On my Iphone 8+, running IOS 11.2.6 I was fighting in the medici pf with a team of two low leveled bronze squiglys and a high lvl silver cera (the one that has the throw dmg special ability) the enemies are twice my cera’s strength (high...
  2. ShadowSpider

    Bug - Normal Painwheel please, i just want to know what happened.

    Just to be clear, does this issue only persist in Painwheels Origin Story? In my experience no, its occurred in dailies i've played as well Are you able to select other fights normally in Daily Events or other story areas? everywhere else but origin stories and dailies. Intermittently, it is...
  3. ShadowSpider

    Bug - Normal Painwheel please, i just want to know what happened.

    On an Apple Iphone 6+, IOS 11 In the Painwheel origin story (Basic): Unable to select any other fights after completing one prior (after the first fight with “oh mai” valentine) (so the second and subsequent fights) Zooming in/out function remains but can’t select other fights, plays the...
  4. ShadowSpider

    Enjoying the best mobile fighter i’ve played in months

    Enjoying the best mobile fighter i’ve played in months
  5. ShadowSpider

    OFFICIAL: 1.4.0 Update Notes (LIVE!)

    this update is great, but i just noticed in recent matches that Ivy League Parasoul’s passive is broken now, the blockbuster meter reduction just doesn’t work now despite it being clearly labeled under the enemy’s health bar. The detonate drain still works but that BB reduction was one of the...