• [2018/06/22]
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  1. C

    Why the battle pass announcement became annoying again?

    Is it me or the new battle pass announcement ui became annoying just like day one. I mean who need to go straight to the battle pass right after giving your friend a give or finish anykind of missions. The notification is exist already. Please bring back the old one. The x is the problem.
  2. C

    Replay gaslight you ??

    Like what I said while look back at my gameplay in replay. The replay made me look like a bot and it's end record early Here the ID: 1kt6-1hda4cr
  3. C

    Other Friend gift bug

    Does anyone have issues with friend gift like me Every time I try to sent gift the screen froze I try re-open the game and do it again or delete the game and re download it and still not work