• [2018/06/22]
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Search results

  1. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal My exp level is stuck

    Yep, the max player level you can be is level 70. Sorry for any confusion! If you have any other issues, feel free to make a new thread for it.
  2. Jojojojo

    Resolved Accolades Not Unlocking - REPLY HERE

    I've gone into your account and fixed your accolades for you. Feel free to make a new thread for any other issues you may be experiencing.
  3. Jojojojo

    Bug - Crash Bug de recompensas

    I've gone into your account and fixed your accolades for you. Feel free to make a new thread for any other issues you may be experiencing.
  4. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal Error de galardón no desbloqueado

  5. Jojojojo

    Resolved Accolades Not Unlocking - REPLY HERE

    I've gone into your account and fixed your accolades for you. Feel free to make a new thread for any other issues you may be experiencing.
  6. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal No recibí monedas después de vender movimientos y blockbusters

    Could you provide us with some additional information so that we can investigate futher? -Your Skullgirls username and user id -When did this happen? (a rough time and date estimate) -How many moves were you selling when this error happened?
  7. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal I on't remember my account and I try to find out what it was, even when I think I have it it says error. I need help and I put a lot of effort into th

    Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about revealing login information on the accounts we have on hand due to our security policy. Could you show us a screenshot of the error message you are getting and we can possibly help you out further from there?
  8. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal I completed the 4 stories 100% but it didn't give me the award

  9. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal Robo-Fortune's ability "Overlocked" doesn't work as it should

  10. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal Error with the ability Overclocked when activating prestige

  11. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal Replay issue

  12. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal Son ustedes o soy yo?

  13. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal No obtuve mis reliquias

    Glad your issue has been resolved! If you come across any other issue, feel free to make a new thread.
  14. Jojojojo

    Resolved Accolades Not Unlocking - REPLY HERE

    Thanks for the info! I've gone into your account and fixed your accolades for you. You should be able to claim your rewards now.
  15. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal No recibí recompensas de reliquia

    Hi! I've looked into your account's activity and I was able to find your account opening a Legendary Relic (guarantees a Gold or Diamond fighter) and receiving a fighter for it properly. -On 07/14/2024 15:56:06 +0900 UTC your account opened a Legendary Relic -On 07/14/2024 15:56:06 +0900 UTC...
  16. Jojojojo

    Bug - Crash It keeps making me lose fights

  17. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal Некорректная работа записей боя

  18. Jojojojo

    Bug - Crash error en operaciones diarias

    Hi, could you be a bit more specific on the issue you are experiencing? If you could provide more detailed information, provide screenshots, as well as your player username and user id, that would help us in helping you further.
  19. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal Se congela el juego al terminar una batalla

  20. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal No recibo recompensas de los despliegues

    When you send Fighters on a Deployment there are two kinds of rewards: 1) Your Fighters will always receive some XP. 2) There is a Bonus Reward Chance to win a Relic or other extra prize. This is not a guaranteed prize though. Unless the Bonus Reward Chance meter is at 100% there is always a...