• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal my facebook account was unlinked

    Hi there, We do not unlink bindings on accounts for any reason. Could you let us know your user id and we can look into your account for you?
  2. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal game gets stuck whenever I try to send or receive a gift

  3. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal Error

    This may have been a visual error that has happened. If you'd like we can look into your account for you and see what may have happened. Could you leave your user id here?
  4. Jojojojo

    Bug - Crash The store section

    Are you still experiencing this issue when trying to enter the in game store? Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game to see if that fixes the issue?
  5. Jojojojo

    Bug - Crash Bloqueo de pantalla

  6. Jojojojo

    Bug - Crash Gifts

  7. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal Problema facebook inicio de sesión

    Hi! Sorry you experienced this issue. Are you still unable to log into your account? There may have been stress on our servers with the update as many people were attempting to log into their accounts at the same time.
  8. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal No recibi mis cosas

    Hi there, Could you give us your user id and username and we can look into it for you?
  9. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal Game freeze a lot after the update

  10. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal Moneeey

    Hi there, Sorry that this happened to you. Could you provide us with your user id and username here and we'll try to look into it for you? Additionally, about how many movements did you sell when taking this action?
  11. Jojojojo

    Bug - Crash App crashes when send or receive gifts

  12. Jojojojo

    Bug - Crash The game freezes or crashes when sending a gift or opening the store

  13. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal backstage pass "all access" not activated

    Sorry you've ran into this issue. I've looked into your account and fixed up your purchase for you. If you refresh your game, your All Access Backstage pass should be activated now. Thanks for providing all of the necessary info and attachments for it.
  14. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal No puedo iniciar sesión en skullgirls Mobile con mi cuenta de Facebook

    The Facebook login issue should be resolved now! Try logging back into your account and it should be working. Please note, that we have not sent out compensation yet for this issue. A compensation package will be sent out to everyone affected in the coming days once we confirm everything is...
  15. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal Facebook login

    The Facebook login issue should be resolved now! Try logging back into your account and it should be working. Please note, that we have not sent out compensation yet for this issue. A compensation package will be sent out to everyone affected in the coming days once we confirm everything is...
  16. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal Reward from update

    This is a known bug that happened on our end where this offer reappeared for many players. We apologize for the inconvenience but your account will not be at risk of a ban for claiming the gifts. If you are able to claim the rewards, consider it some extra free gifts! :)
  17. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal Erro Login com o Facebook

  18. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal Login com o Facebook

    https://forum.skullgirlsmobile.com/threads/facebook-login-error.21545/ Unfortunately, the Facebook login issue is dependent upon a review process that is taking much longer than expected. We know how long it’s been since FB-only players have been able to play. Those affected can expect a very...
  19. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal Quick Play

    Unfortunately connection errors like this can happen for any number of reasons, including a faulty internet connection at any point between your device and our servers. We're unfortunately unable to restore lost streaks when a connection issue like this occurs.
  20. Jojojojo

    Bug - Normal Facebook login error

    https://forum.skullgirlsmobile.com/threads/facebook-login-error.21545/ If you are certain your account is additionally bound by Google and you are coming across an error, please try these steps out. 1) Close Skullgirls Mobile. 2) Remove your Google Account from your device. This is a little...