• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Arrahdre

    OFFICIAL: Brand New Skullgirls Mobile Character FAQ

    I have a funny feeling it's Annie.
  2. Arrahdre

    Post your collection

    it's not much.. I haven't bought much theonite and in game stuff. I'm trying to somewhat grind it out the old fashioned way. .so my collection is kinda poopy
  3. Arrahdre

    Resolved Prize Fight but nothing happens

    this has happened to me twice since I downloaded the update last night. one time the fight started but neither me or the cpu could move I restarted. and then again today, I noticed by turning auto on and then off, I regained control of my character but the cpu character stayed still .. the next...
  4. Arrahdre

    So, why do you play?

    cause i've loved this game since i first played it back in 2012. i followed skullgirls closely in its development, played all the betas i've bought every iteration of skullgirls so far with ps3,ps4,xbox360, PC, and now mobile..i'm decent enough at the console version, but never trained hard...
  5. Arrahdre

    Bug - Normal Fight Ended but Victory Screen Didn't Show

    i just had an issue where i should have lost due to a time out, right before the round ended the CPU Valentine performed a Forbidden Procedure to revive one of her team mates, time ran out, but instead of getting the "Thats a Wrap" victory screen, the game just kinda stayed in limbo with the CPU...